“C’mon, Gemma…” He took my hand gently, not paying attention to Kristoff’s glare. “Let’s show them how to dance. Just like we did in our college years.”

I laughed out loud. “You are crazy, Rick. I think we showed people how idiots look in our college years.” I glanced at Kristoff. “I’ll be right back.”

Although loud dance music was playing, Rick put his arm to my waist, and we started more of a traditional dance.

“Everything ok, Gemma?” he asked as we were slowly moving around drunk, loud dancers all around us. He was careful to keep us out of their way.

“Yes,” I answered him and smiled gently. “You have to stop worrying about me, Rick.”

“I’ll try,” he promised with a quick peck on my forehead. “I just want you to be happy and you seem happy around him.”

I looked back at Kristoff. He talked with Sierra and Saoirse, and as if sensing my gaze, he looked up. I smiled at him and winked. He smiled back and my heart could have stopped at that moment, and I would have died a happy woman. That smile… it could melt your heart and break your heart! I looked back to Rick.

“I know you are right, Rick,” I told him with resignation in me. “I just don’t know how to go about it.”

“Well, you start like this… Kristoff, I want to be with you forever… and that’s it. He’ll get the point from there.” If it was only that easy. Rick has always been so matter of fact.

“Last night I told him about my marriage to Jack,” I muttered softly.

“What did he say?”

I shrugged my shoulder. “I told him to think about it and whether he can trust me.”

“Did you follow up with him today?” I shook my head.

“You must.” He was stating the obvious.

I hugged him and said gently, “I’m so glad we are family. We’ve gone through so much together.”

“I’m glad too, Gemma. It is your turn to be happy.” Rick's somber voice matched his look.

We continued slow dancing in silence to the loud music, and the rest of the group laughed loud and danced wildly.

Kristoff interrupted us with a wary expression.

“Can I cut in?” Kristoff asked Rick.

“Yes, of course.” Rick stepped aside to let him take his place. This felt like déjà vu from Betty’s birthday celebration. Kristoff took my hand and placed his other around my waist bringing me closer to him.

“Are you having a good time, Kristoff?” My voice was breathless, nervous feeling him so close to me.

“Yes, although apparently not as good of a time as the rest of the crew.”

“Nobody will ever have as good of a time as them. Betty is a party animal!”

“Yes, she seems to be.” He didn’t even bother to look behind him.

The loud music stopped abruptly, and I looked around to see what happened. And a few seconds later, Jason Aldean’s song “Got What I Got” came on. Kristoff pulled me closer to him, his body and mine fit perfectly together. His moves were smooth and together we moved to the sound of the love song as one. It felt like we’d danced together a million times before.

We were so close I could smell the cologne on his skin.

His eyes never left mine. “Gemma, come home with me.”

There was actually pleading in his voice. Kristoff Baldwin, the hot and sexy billionaire that women chase, was asking me to go home with him. I was so tempted, caution be damned but I needed his trust.

“We are all going home together,” I answered with an aching heart, trying to resort to humor. “You rented rooms for the rest of the summer, remember… for quite a decent amount, if I might say so.”

His lips twisted into a charming smile, his gaze never wavering from me. “You are a tough negotiator, but you know what I mean, Gemma. You and the girls… why don’t you go back home with me?”