“Babe, you haven’t seen my funny yet,” he retorted.

“Oh, I have… and it is not that funny.”

“Then can you ladies tell me what’s so funny?” he asked with the boyish smile.

“Nope,” Betty told him.

“They are probably having some secret language about Gemma’s pregnancy,” Jonathan jumped in.

“You are pregnant?” Samuel's face was full of shock. ”It is no wonder…”

Samuel cut himself short.

“No wonder what?” I asked.

He looked uncomfortable, and finally said, “No wonder you looked like you gained a bit of weight.” If looks could kill, Samuel would be dead on the spot. “I mean, you are not fat or anything… just not as s… skinny,” he stuttered by the time he was done talking.

Jonathan and Rick slapped him on the back.

“Dude, you NEVER say that to a woman!” Rick said, shaking his head.

Kristoff had a wide smile on his face and I turned my glare at him. “What’s so funny?”

“I don’t have to worry about Samuel being my competition after that,” he announced happily to the entire group.

Everybody burst into laughter and I teasingly bumped my shoulder against him. “I swear, Kristoff. You are crazy!” I smiled at him like a fool, feeling happy and giddy.

Everyone seemed so relaxed. All the kids found little rocks on the ground to play with, lost in their own game and imagination, Sienna and Jack were in their own bubble, and the adults kept enjoying the wine that was flowing all throughout the table.

I turned my view over the edge to avoid the stares and admired the sight. God, I’ll never get tired of this view. It felt like you were in heaven, watching down on Earth. The view took my breath away every single time.

“I can see why this is your favorite restaurant.” Kristoff’s voice startled me out of my thoughts. He was close to me, peeking over me enjoying the view. “The view is incredible.”

“Isn’t it?” My voice sounded dreamy. “Do you want to sit in my spot? I’ve seen this view plenty of times, and I want you to enjoy it from the first row.”

“No, that’s ok. You are rather small, so I can see it great from here like I am in the first row.” His eyes were on me, not on the horizon. I squirmed a bit uncomfortable, and he asked, “What is your favorite part of this restaurant?”

“Definitely the view. I mean, don’t you feel like you are in heaven from up here?” I answered breathlessly. “His food is great too, but to have this location for a home with this view, can you imagine? And the owner has roughly five acres all around this restaurant so it affords privacy.” I looked back at the view as the sun was slowly setting down over the horizon. “This must be the closest feeling to heaven,” I mumbled.

“Yes, it is pretty incredible,” he commented back.

I looked at him pensively. The signals I felt were mixed, and I was not quite sure what to make of it.

“My mother keeps asking about you.” His comment came out of nowhere.

“She called me a few days ago,” I told him, unsure of how much of the conversation I should share.

“I figured she couldn’t resist,” he replied. “She is excited about being a grandmother.” Then added low so nobody else could hear us. “Come home with me, Gemma.”

“I’ll be back home in September,” I told him non-committedly.

The music got louder and I lifted my head to check out what was happening. Betty and Sophie were dancing, relaxed and happy.

“Gemma, come dance with us?” Betty yelled like she was on the football field, and I am on the opposite side of it.

“I think I’ll take a rain check on this dance,” I told her, laughing at their dance moves. “You better be careful, you two! At our age, we could break a hip dancing like that.”

All the men laughed and got up to join them. Rick came up to me.