“I am sorry, Kristoff. The answer is still no.” My voice was firm and I looked at him with a challenge in my eyes.You won’t get your way this time!
If he was surprised by my response, he didn’t let it show.
“Name your price, Gemma.”
“Kristoff, there is no price. I have no bedrooms to put you in. Did you not hear me the first two times?”
Deila jumped in and addressed me in Croatian.
“Did I understand him right? He wants to stay here?” she asked me while eyeing Kristoff.
“Yes, he does. But he won’t be staying here!”
“Why not?” she asked. “If he is fine with them not being fully renovated, put him in it and charge him.”
I took a deep breath! I didn’t want to give in. Damn man always got his way and I didn’t want my peace disturbed while he was here. He could take his ass back to his ugly yacht.
“We’ll take two rooms, Gemma,” Kristoff announced, jumping into our conversation. “I’m willing to pay a good price for the rooms.”
Of course he was. He thought he could buy the world. I glanced at his date, and I felt agitated. Sophia actually seemed like a very nice person, which made seeing them together even worse.
“What is wrong with your rooms on the yacht?” I asked.
“We want to stay here. I’ll pay whatever price you name.” He would not back away no matter what I said. So I needed to make it unreasonable.
“Okay, Kristoff,” I replied annoyed. “Have it your way! You want the room, the cost is $20,000 per night.”
“We’ll take it.” He didn’t even blink an eye.
“Actually, I meant $50,000 per night.”
“That’s fine.”
“It is $50,000 per room and per night. Payable in advance.”
I was hoping for a reaction, but I got nothing. Just a smug gleam from him, which made me even more flustered.
“That’s fine.” He got what he wanted.
“How many days, Kristoff?” I asked through clenched teeth.
“I’ll take them for the rest of the summer.” I couldn’t help but groan out loud. “Until September, whatever day you are flying out.”
“You can’t ruin my entire summer,” I complained.
Deila jumped in again in Croatian. “Is this the guy you talked about?” We both looked at Kristoff and then back at each other.
“Yes, unfortunately.”
“Are you sure he is not an imbecile or something?” she asked.
“Why do you say that?” I asked in surprise.
“I don’t know what kind of idiot would pay $50,000 per night per room. Especially the ones that are not even renovated yet,” she commented in Croatian, looking at him like he was truly insane. “I have to give it to you, Gemma. He is handsome.”
“Don’t let him deceive you, Deila,” I said switching to English on purpose. “That is the devil in disguise.”
I looked at Kristoff with a challenge in my eyes. When he didn’t say anything, I turned to his partner, who was smiling oddly. “Enjoy your stay, Sophie.”