I wondered whether Kristoff told her about the pregnancy. Once the twins were born, they would connect me to Kristoff and his mother forever. Although I knew without a doubt, I would keep my distance. I would never keep the twins away from them, but to keep my sanity, I couldn’t be around Kristoff. If I see him with another woman week in and out, it would slowly kill me.

“Gemma, are you there?” Lena’s voice was a bit shaky.

“Yes,” I answered quickly. “I’m sorry. I got lost in my thoughts. I hope we see you soon too. We are spending summer away but maybe in September or so.”

“Kristoff told me you are expecting twins,” she hesitantly stated.

And there was my answer!

“Yes,” I muttered into the phone.

There was a slight pause, and then she started. “I know he can be stubborn and difficult. I hope,” her voice trembled as she continued. “...whatever happened, you two will work it out. And if you don’t, I beg you to let me be part of your life and my grandchildren’s life.”

My heart broke for this woman and I quickly responded. “Lena, you don’t even have to ask and please don’t beg,” I whimpered, feeling a bit emotional myself. My pregnancy hormones were making my emotions dance all over the place. “I won’t keep you nor Kristoff from the twins. I promise.”

I heard sniffles over the phone. “Thank you so much, Gemma,” she replied. “I love them already.”

“As soon as we are back,” I promised her. “I’ll give you a call. It will be sometime in early September. We just needed this summer away.”

Before I have to face reality and Kristoff, I thought.

“I understand,” she replied. “I have a good feeling. I can’t wait to see you all. And how are your beautiful girls?” she asked and then added, “Can I have them as my grandchildren too? After all, they’ll all be siblings.”

“Ah, sure, I guess,” I answered.

“I am so lucky. I have three grandaugters and soon will have five grandchildren.”

She sounded so happy and proud, I almost didn’t want to spoil it for her. “Ah, I don’t know how to say this delicately,” I muttered to her over the phone. “...so I am just going to say it. I’m about eleven weeks now, but I’ve had several miscarriages before so…” I almost choked on my words. “It would probably be better not to say anything until... well till we are in the clear.”

“Oh, Gemma,” she exclaimed. “I’m so sorry! I won’t say anything but I know everything will be ok. I have faith.”

“Thank you,” I mumbled.

We chatted a bit longer. She gave me feedback on all the plants, talked about her gang, and I smiled asking questions. If nothing else, I knew the twins were going to have an amazing grandmother!

When we finished, I hung up and looked out into the sea. The black yacht was still there! I really couldn’t understand why it didn’t continue further south.

I glanced at Betty and debated whether to wake her up. I leaned over and tapped her gently on the shoulders. When she didn’t move, I tried again with a bit more force.

“Hmmm,” she mumbled. “What?”

“You’ll burn if you don’t at least turn over,” I told her.

She turned over and rubbed her eyes. “I would die happily just having days like this.” Her voice was lazy and relaxed.

I chuckled at her. “Yes, this puts life into perspective, doesn’t it.”

“Yes, it sure does.”

“I have some work to do around the house, so I have to go back in thirty minutes. You want to stay on the beach?” I asked her. I didn’t want to seem like I was bailing on her, but I wanted to check my emails and see if Samuel had any further comments on our partnership agreement.

“No, I'll go back with you. I can get the kids ready and maybe we go get ice cream while you do your thing. Unless there is something I can help with?”

“Nope, I got it. That sounds like a great plan!”

Chapter Twenty-Two

Since I got back from the beach, I’d been relentless over the last three hours, rearranging everything on the inside and outside of the house. My conversation with Lena kept playing in my mind and I wondered what Kristoff had told her. What did he think about this whole shenanigan? Honestly, I was surprised he told her about the pregnancy at all.