I smiled at him. “I knew you’d love it.” I turned to Jonathan. “I kept forgetting to ask you, Jonathan. But are you and Rick in the same department?”
Rick busted out laughing and I glared at him. “What? Did you tell me and I forgot?” I asked him undignified. “My memory has been bad lately.”
“No,” Rick replied with traces of laughter still in his voice. “I don’t think I told you. Jonathan owns the company I work for. He was the reason I was able to get you the interview.”
I glanced back and forth between the two men.
“What? Really?” I asked with disbelief. I wouldn’t put it past Rick to pull my leg.
“Yes,” Jonathan answered in his stead. “Unfortunately, Rick never mentioned your name so when my Human Resources director put a temporary freeze that he wasn’t authorized to do, I wrongly assumed you were already hired.”
“Wow,” I mumbled. “What a small world!”
“Indeed,” he retorted back. “If you still want to come over, we’d hire you in a heartbeat. I looked up your credentials and references. I could fire my HR director all over again for letting my company lose such a talent.”
I blushed and I hoped my tan covered it. “Thank you, Jonathan,” I replied flattered. “I’m actually trying something new.”
“But,” Rick jumped in. “It’s not bad to know that is on the table for you, Gem. Especially now since you resigned.”
“What?” Betty screeched while Jonathan had evident shock on his face.
“You didn’t tell her,” I asked Rick accusingly.
“I thought I did,” he mumbled guilty. “I guess I didn’t.
Betty smacked him on his arm. “No, you didn’t. I thought she just took vacation till she was moving to another department at W&W.”
“But I did tell you Gemma told him about the pregnancy,” Rick replied quickly to Betty defensively.
I couldn’t believe Rick inadvertently blurted that out in front of Jonathan. I could see Rick realized what he said as soon as he said it.
I tried to keep my face expressionless and with a frozen smile on my face.
There was always hope that Jonathan didn’t hear it.
“You’re pregnant?” Jonathan asked in shock.
And hope was gone!
“Yes,” I replied.Short and sweet, right!Hopefully, it was also curt so he won’t ask no other questions.
His eyes were pensive on me, but all he ended up saying was, “Gemma, if you decide you want the job, just let me know and it’s yours.”
“Thanks,” I muttered.
The rest of the evening we all pretended the conversation never happened.
Chapter Twenty-One
Two days later, we were all on the beach. Sienna and Jack swam away to one of the caves, hidden by rocky cliffs. We discovered it within a few days of arriving and she took it for ours, checking on it every day. Jack humored her and went with her every day.
I wore a one piece strapless black and white bathing suit and a white large straw sun hat and sunglasses protecting my eyes. I sat on the pebble rocks, my feet in the crystal blue water while I gazed over the sea horizon and the warm sunshine on my face. I frowned again when I saw a black luxury yacht way out in the sea. Usually my view was unobstructed and I hated seeing something so obnoxious, screaming power and money, in my view path.
Betty was a few feet away from me, laying on her beach towel and I had a suspicious feeling she’d dozed off. My girls and her boys played in the shallow water, building a rock castle and giggling each time the waves crashed through the castle.
Jonathan and Rick both sat with me, one on each side. They seemed relaxed, but I almost wished they’d go and explore, get a drink or anything. I felt ever since the pregnancy bomb was dropped, Jonathan constantly fretted over me. And Rick wasn’t much better. They were both getting on my nerves and Betty picked up on it pretty quick. Probably the reason she thought it was better to take a nap.