Just as I was about to make up my mind, I heard Samuel’s voice talking back to Kristoff. “Just relax, Kristoff. I was just talking to Gemma and she gave me some good ideas.”

Shit, shit, shit. I swear he enjoys causing trouble!

“Gemma, where are you?” Kristoff's voice came through the headset and my heart skipped a beat at hearing his deep voice. At the same time my body heated up in response to his voice, cold washed down my spine.

My heart was the worst traitor because hearing Kristoff’s deep voice set it into a fast beat like I was running a marathon. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself.

“Hello, Kristoff,” I answered, although I should have just hung up. “I’m on vacation.”

“Where?” Although I couldn’t see him, I was fairly certain he was pissed and speaking through clenched teeth.

Before I responded, I heard Samuel in the background. “You might as well give it up. She won’t tell. Why would you have let her resign, Kristoff? Bad call, dude.”

I frowned inwards. Did he really just call him dude? I knew Samuel was smarter than that. He was fishing for information.

“Gemma, I need to talk to you.” Thankfully, Kristoff completely ignored Samuel.

“Is it about the bonus?” I asked nervously. “If it is, I haven’t spent it, and if you want it back, I’ll give it back.”

“Fuck the bonus, Gemma. I need to talk to you about your message.” Kristoff’s voice was demanding. Of course it would be, he always gets what he wants.

“I can’t talk now,” I told him.

“Can’t or won’t?” He didn’t miss a beat. That man was always on point.

“It doesn’t really matter. Listen, I have to go. I’ll get in touch when I’m back in September. Tell Samuel I said bye.” I hurriedly pressed the hang up button and turned off the phone completely.

The feelings I was burying inside me quickly resurfaced. When my marriage was falling apart, the thought of being alone and raising children alone didn’t bother me at all. But now, that thought almost terrified me. The thought of spending the rest of my life alone and raising the little bundles growing inside me alone made me sad, and feel sorry for myself.

I forced my thoughts back to here and now… and away from Krsitoff.

Chapter Nineteen

The next day Jack and his dad arrived. As soon a driver service pulled up with Jonathan and Jack, Sienna ran to Jack and threw herself into his arms like she hadn’t seen him in a year. I walked out of our courtyard behind her. Upon seeing that scene, I facepalmed, shaking my head as I approached Jonathan.

“Hello Gemma,” he greeted me smiling.

“Welcome,” I smiled back. “How was your trip? You must be tired.”

“Trip was good but long,” he replied.

I looked over to Sienna and Jack who looked like they were in lovebird heaven and shook my head again.

“Thank goodness you came,” I mumbled to him as he followed behind me.

He chuckled. “Makes me kind of feel old,” he commented.

“I agree! And I don’t know if I’m ready for my daughter to seriously date,” I countered.

“I can understand that completely,” he replied and then added. “This place is amazing, Gemma!”

I looked at the little old villa as we walked towards the courtyard. “It’s pretty cool, right?” I commented proudly. “I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it.”

“That view,” he agreed. “Everything about this place is perfect.” I smiled happily.

“This is my happy place,” I mumbled to myself. His questioning gaze was on me and I quickly added. “C’mon, let me show you to your room so you can get situated. I hope you’ll be ok with this room, it’s large enough for you and Jack to share and the view from it is great too. Although none of us are spending lots of time inside. ”

Jonathan and Jack both unpacked and joined us for dinner. Amazingly, since we arrived in Croatia, my nausea was better, still coming and going but much better. I told myself it was the climate and diet here but I was sure that was not scientifically correct. I made sure I ate healthy and took care since at my age pregnancy was considered high risk, and I couldn’t help but being overly cautious due to my previous miscarriages.