I considered that for a second. Maybe it would be better if I let them book a hotel, although there wasn’t one within thirty minutes from here. I knew he must have noticed I only offered it to him and his son, not mentioning his wife, Kristoff’s ex-wife.

“To be perfectly honest,” I started. “I’m perfectly fine with you and Jack staying here, for as long as you wish. If you asked Sienna, she’d say the whole summer, and I’m ok with it. But…” I stopped for a second unsure how to say it delicately.

“But you don’t want Jacqueline there,” he finished it for me.

“I am so sorry,” I apologized right away feeling guilty. “I know it’s not fair to say that invitation only extends to you and your son.”

“Gemma, don’t apologize. You have every right to dislike her. God knows I do,” his voice was solemn and it made me wonder what his story was. Not that I’d ever ask. “You probably dislike me too due to my part in Kristoff and his ex-wife but maybe one day I can explain to you. Although, there is no good excuse for what I’ve done.”

“You don’t owe me an explanation,” I mumbled into the phone. “And I don’t dislike you Jonathan. I think you are a wonderful father and it is clear Jack adores you.”

“Thank you,” he replied simply. “He is everything to me.” He paused and then asked, “Can I ask you a question?”


“Are you ok?” His question caught me off guard.

“Hmmm… yes, why?” I couldn’t very well tell him my heart was broken and I was pregnant with twins while the man I fell in love with moved on.

“Well, the trip seemed kind of sudden. Like you were running away.”

“Everything is fine. Kristoff was nice enough to let me work remotely for the summer,” I lied cheerfully.

I couldn’t believe my bold face lies! And how did it happen that I was having such a discussion with Kristoff’s ex-best friend who seduced his ex-wife. What a weird world!

“Ok, I’ll pretend I believe you,” he answered. “But, Gemma, if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. If I can, I’ll help.”

“Thank you, Jonathan. Everything is great so no need for help.”

“Ok, if you say so. Kristoff is a good guy, although he can be difficult.”

“I am sorry, but coming from you, it just seems weird considering the history.”

“I know,” he said, his voice almost sad. “I made a mistake and hurt him in the process. He didn’t deserve that. But at the party, I could see the old Kristoff coming back. You are just what he needs. Don’t let his cold exterior turn you away.”

“This is getting more bizarre by the minute,” I chuckled, although a bit bitterly, at his words. “One thing I learned in my life, Jonathan, is that nothing is black and white. But don’t worry, all is good.”

“Okay, okay… I’m dropping it!”

“So, should I tell Sienna you two will come,” I changed the subject to our original topic. “Or would you rather take time to think about it and browse the available flights and fares?”

“We’ll come,” he answered right away. “Thank you for the invitation and your accommodation offer.”

“Wonderful,” I exclaimed. “Sienna will be over the moon, especially if you stayed for the rest of the summer. And my cell phone bill will thank you too!”

“It’s a deal then,” I could tell he was smiling. “We’ll book something today for this coming week and I’ll send you a message with our flight details.”

Sienna was staring at me across the beach, still on the phone with Jack. I nodded and gave her thumbs up, and she started screaming happily.

“In case you were wondering what the screaming was,” I told Jonathan. “...that is my daughter beside herself because I just gave her thumbs up that Jack is coming.” I added laughing. “Don’t bail on us because I don’t think I could handle teenager tears this summer.”

He was laughing too. “We’ll be there, promise.”

Chapter Eighteen

The next few days we spent completely lazy, hanging out on the beach or in our courtyard. Sienna was at the point where she was counting hours till Jack would arrive. He and his dad were coming tomorrow. The kids were playing ping-pong games on the lower terrace while I sat at the table on the upper terrace, never growing tired of the unobstructed sea view.

I had my laptop open and had been working on drafting up an agreement Samuel and I talked about. Every time I thought about it, I got more and more excited. It would be wonderful to be my own boss and call my own shots. Samuel and I worked well together, we kind of balanced out each other from the business aspect.