“I doubt it,” I retorted back. “Now what’s going on? Because I don’t have time to just chitchat so you can annoy him.”
“So I have a proposition for you,” he started seriously. “How would you like to start a business with me? Fifty-fifty.”
“What?” I did not expect that from him. ”What kind of business?” I asked quickly, my interest peaked.
“Basically it is marketing,” he started excitedly. “But in a new and improved sort of way. We’d establish a net and promote companies by number of clicks and for routing calls to them through our marketing tool.”
I frowned. “Wouldn’t that be sort of double dipping?” I asked.
“Yes,” he answered. “You catch on too quickly; it is scary sometimes. But this is perfectly normal on these types of platforms.”
“I’m really interested,” I noted. “However, I’d like to see your proposal and go over it first. We need a business plan outline.”
“Absolutely,” his voice was excited. “I have a preliminary outline but really want to have a partner to discuss on a mutually agreed business plan.”
“How much capital would we need?” I asked. “My guess would be initially we wouldn’t need a lot since it would be mostly configuration set up, right? I'd have to work remotely for a while in the beginning. And I want a formal agreement in place if I agree to this. Does that work for you?”
“I can see you are as excited as I am,” he chuckled. “Yes, to all your questions. Initially the only capital would be registration of our business, licenses, and website, which all comes to less than thousand dollars. Our biggest investment will be our own labor, yours and mine. I can do the technical side of it, but you are a dynamo when it comes to the business and finance side of it.”
“Hell, yes,” I answered him happy and smiled at Rick who was still standing there looking at me curiously. “I am all for it. We can start with a draft of an agreement in roles and ownership. When I draft up a preliminary agreement, we can run it by a lawyer to ensure we covered all bases,” I suggested. “Are you ok if I start off remotely though?”
“Yes to lawyer and yes to doing it remotely is fine,” he agreed.” But can I ask why? We are both in the same building.”
The silence lingered for a bit and then I answered, “I’m flying out for the summer.”
“And Kristoff is ok with that?” he asked in surprise.
“He doesn’t own me, you know!” My voice sounded undignified.
“Okay, okay,” he responded. “I’m just surprised he’s ok with it.”
“Yes, he’s fine,” I lied.
“Ok,” he replied. “I’ll let it go. Can you get the agreement written up in, let’s say, ten days?”
“Absolutely! Listen, I have to go,” I told him. “I’ll text you my personal email as soon as we get off. Don’t you dare flake out on me!”
“I won’t, sexy mama,” he replied. “I just walked up to Kristoff and he is motioning that his plane is ready.”
I chuckled a bit. God, he really loved to anger that man! “Ok, bye!” And I pressed the end button. Once I’m off the phone, I summarized the idea to Rick.
“What do you think?” I asked him excitedly.
“I think you love the idea,” he replied smiling. “You should go for it!” I nodded in complete and wholehearted agreement.
In two hours, we were at the airport. Rick walked me in and waited with me to check in our bags. As we prepared to enter the security line, he hugged all the girls and saved me for last.
“Don’t forget,” he reminded me. “Text Betty and I when you get there.” I quickly nodded and before I managed to walk away from him, he added, “And I know you are hoping I forgot about our discussion about telling Kristoff. He has a right to know, tell him.”
“Fine,” I mumbled and pulled out my phone. “Here, I’ll text him right now.”
Dear Kristoff,
I’m pregnant, having twins.
I don’t want to work for you anymore. I’m going on a summer vacation.
Take care