“We don’t know yet!” I scolded her. “Let’s hope all this is a false alarm.”
Betty clapped her hands and cheerfully announced to the kids. “After dinner, you guys can put a movie in and do some games. We’ll be having a sleepover. Ok?”
“Awesome, Mom,” Saoirse answered enthusiastically.
Betty and I made our way upstairs into the master bathroom and closed ourselves in. She pulled three different pregnancy tests out of her grocery bag.
“Three, really? Just one will confirm it. We don’t need three confirmations.”
“I know, I know. I was kind of nervous,” she confessed and I had to smile at that. “Just in case, one doesn’t work. Ok, are you ready to do this?”
I took a deep breath, and pulled one out of the box, and took it with me into a separate section of the bathroom with the toilet.
Please don’t be positive. Please don’t be positive, my thoughts kept repeating over and over.
I pulled my panties down and went to pee onto the stick. I never understood why they couldn’t come up with better technology to test for pregnancy. They can make a rocket but not something so simple to make this whole experience better.
I came out of the bathroom with the stick. I put it flat on the counter and glanced nervously at Betty.
“Now we wait,” I whispered with a deep breath.
“I don’t think we have to wait long, Gemma… look.” She pointed to the test and a big plus was forming already on the window. We both stared at it dumbfounded for a few minutes in silence.
I broke the silence. “I should try it again. This one must have issues with it. I have never seen it come up so fast.”
“Me neither. Ok, try again.” And I did try again. Second time and third time.
“It is positive again.” My voice portrayed desperation.
“Gemma, I think you have to face it.You are pregnant.” Betty’s voice was gentle as I started hyperventilating. “Everything will be alright.”
I kept pacing back and forth. “How could this have happened?” I mumbled. “He fucking said one in a billion! I am sure it was billion not million.”
“Gemma, you have to calm down. This is not the end of the world. When you tell Kristoff, he’s going to be thrilled!”
“No, he is not,” I answered. “After what happened today, I am sure he will not be thrilled!”
“It was all just a misunderstanding,” she tried to comfort me.
“No, Betty, it is not. He wants me to sign the contract now,” I declared. “And I sent him a note that I am not signing it and want a transfer.”
“I thought he was ok with you not signing?” Betty had a confused look in her eyes.
“Not any more,” I exasperated. I just left it at that. I didn’t want to explain what drove Kristoff to change his mind.
“It will all work out,” Betty claimed with a reassuring smile. “Don’t think too much into it right now. You are still in shock.”
I nodded, trying to calm my nerves. “I’ll go to work tomorrow and talk to Kristoff. Not sure what I’ll say, but I’ll worry about it tomorrow.”
We cleaned up everything in the bathroom and joined children downstairs just in time for popcorn and the beginningBeauty and the Beast. I sat down and my youngest two came right over and snuggled up to me.
I lay my hand on my lower belly. A baby… Kristoff’s baby.
Whatever happens, I can do this.I kissed Saoirse on her forehead.
“Betty, I discovered a pretty good white wine you might like. It is in the wine fridge if you would like some.”
“I think I will have some,” she smiled. “To celebrate.”