He laughed and I joined him. Before I could say anything else, he added. “Here, speaking of crazy, she wants to talk to you.”

“Holy shit,” Betty exclaimed. “Rick told me what happened! And that you got sick. Are you ok?”

“Yes,” I answered. I wanted to tell her my suspicion but Laura was still here. “Laura is here watching the kids. I came home a bit earlier but yes, I feel better.”

“Gotch you,” she responded, understanding. “Text me then?”

“Yes, I absolutely will.” I told her. “In a few minutes for sure.”

As I hung up, I felt like we were teenagers speaking in code language. Before I went back to Laura, I decided it time to rip the bandage.

I shot a message to Kristoff. I knew he wouldn’t see it till he got back to the office.

I’m sorry. I won’t sign the contract. Let me know if moving me to another department is an option or if you’d like my resignation.

I walked into the kitchen where Laura and the kids were snacking on some tomatoes and cucumbers out of the garden. I smiled at the happy picture.

“Is that delicious?” I asked as Saoirse ran to me and I wrapped her in my arms.

“Best ever,” she answered with her mouth full of tomatoes. I shook my head smiling at her chipmunk cheeks, pushing her hair out of her eyes.

“You want me to stay longer, Gemma?” Laura asked. “If you are sick, you should probably rest so you can feel better.”

“Thanks, Laura,” I smiled, glancing up from my six year old. “I’m feeling better but you are more than welcome to stay and we can hang out together.”

She decided she’d just go shopping. When Laura was gone, I sent off a quick text to Betty with my suspicion and letting her know that Laura was gone.

No sooner did I send Betty the text, my phone rang. Seeing that it was her calling me, I answered.

“Gemma!” Her voice was screechy. “How?”

I took a deep breath. “So I’d say it happened the old fashioned way,” I answered her silly question. “I’m not positive. It is either that or my anemia has gotten worse than it’s ever been.” My voice sounded surprisingly calm.

“Don’t worry, Gemma. It will all be ok. I’ll go pick up the pregnancy test and I’ll come over with the boys. The kids can play, and we can do our thing. Ok?”

“Ok, I’ll see you when you get here then.” Although my voice was calm, a storm was brewing inside me. I felt like crying, screaming at myself. I knew better. I should have known better. As much sex as Kristoff and I were having, why did protection never cross my mind? That one in a billion comment from my Ob/Gyn shouldn’t have been my assurance.

Betty finally came through the door an hour later. I had dinner already prepared for the kids - chicken nuggets, homemade French fries, veggies, and salad for everyone. The smell of the chicken caused another wave of nausea.

Cooking food will be a chore for a while, I thought to myself. If I was honest with myself, cooking was always a chore for me. I did not enjoy that activity at all. I drank a sip of ginger ale to help with the nausea, thankful that we kept it in stock.

Betty came right to me and hugged me tight. My hormones must have already kicked in because tears came to my eyes. We held each other for a minute like that, and I finally pulled away. I didn’t want to cause any alarm to the kids.

“Ok, kids,” Betty said as she cheerily clapped her hands. “Aunt Gemma prepared a delicious dinner. Sienna, you are in charge. Your mom and I have some work to do upstairs.”

“Mom, what work are you doing?” Sienna asked curiously.

“We are just brainstorming through some ideas, Sienna. It is easier if we can do it in peace.” I turned to Betty and asked with a low voice, “You guys want to spend the night?”

“Sounds like a good plan,” she answered. “I’ll send a quick note to Rick to let him know.”

“You didn’t say anything to Rick, right?” I didn’t know why I wasn’t ready for him to know.

“You kidding me,” she mumbled petrified. “He’d go and kill him,” then she added absentmindedly. “Unless you are thrilled about it?”

“I think shocked is more the word,” I told her. “My Ob/Gyn said one in a billion, maybe he said one in a million, but either way he made it sound like it would be impossible to have any more kids after Sierra!”

She shook her head. “I guess he was dead wrong.”