“Do you want me to take you to see a doctor for your eye?” I asked, ignoring Kristoff and Rick’s other comment. My emotions were all over the place, from shock to anger, and now I felt like crying. This day was just getting worse by the minute.
“No,” he answered. “I just need ice. I’ll take care of it when I get home.”
“Good,” I replied, ignoring Kristoff. “I’ll call you later.” He pulled me closer and hugged me goodbye, kissing me on the cheek. It was a wrong thing to do, but I went along with it.
I caught Kristoff’s cold gaze, balling his fists at his side. I gently pushed Rick and walked away from both of them. I felt fragile and weak. I could’ve never imagined Kristoff ever hitting anyone. He was like Jack after all. So typical that I would fall for another jealous man.
I wasn’t sure where I was going, but I kept walking. My chest hurt as my heart broke with every step I took. It was like someone just pulled it out of my chest and squeezed it while I felt each painful throb. I felt a drip on my cheek, and I reached with my hand to wipe it. My face was wet from tears, I hadn’t felt running down my face.
I heard a voice calling out, people glancing at me but I kept walking ignoring them all. I knew it’d be hard to pick up pieces after Kristoff but I didn’t have a choice. I’d have to bite the bullet and do it.
“Gemma,” I heard Kristoff’s voice and his arms reached around me.
“Let go of me, Kristoff.” I told him in a quavering voice and I pulled my arm out of his hold.
I started walking away from him again when he took my hand. “Please, Gemma. Come back with me.”
“Where are you going?” he asked, his voice almost desperate. I did a double take at him and I saw the sorrow I felt also shadowed his face.
“Anywhere,” I shuddered. “As long as it’s away from you.” He took a step back like I slapped him with my words. Hurt passed over his face and his eyes were full of regret.
“I was a jackass,” he murmured as he cornered me against the building. He put both his hands on the building, one on each side of me. “Please, don’t cry.”
“I’m mad, and these are mad tears.”
“Then don’t be mad, beautiful. You have every right to be, but please don’t be mad. Come back with me and let me apologize.”
I remained silent, stubbornly staring beyond him. I didn’t want to watch his beautiful face and his sorrowful eyes.
“Will you come back with me?” His voice was soft and sad. “At least let me explain. If you still want to leave, I will understand. And I promise I will secure a job placement anywhere you want.”
I glanced at him dubiously. His regret was all over his face. People stared at us, but Kristoff ignored them all, his entire attention focused on me. We must have been some sight. My back against the building, Kristoff’s tall body shielding mine from view, but also locking me in place.
“Yes?” he asked since I remained silent. I didn’t want to be alone with him. Even now that I was so mad at him and so hurt, my body responded to his closeness. As if he was reading my thoughts, he added in a low voice, “I promise I won’t touch you until you give me permission. And if you don’t, I will respect that. I hope you at least know me enough to believe that about me.”
“I don’t know you at all,” I replied in a shaky voice.
I saw a hurt flash in his eyes, but I immediately regretted hurting him. I had it bad for him.
“Please, will you come back into my office with me?” he asked again.
I glared at those eyes I loved so much and nodded. “Please keep your distance though,” I said and he flinched like I hit him. “I can’t think when you are so close to me.”
Hope flashed in his eyes but all he said was, “Ok.” He stepped away to give me space as he motioned for me to go in front of him.
I wondered if he was worried I was going to bolt. He was right. I wanted to bolt. I was scared of my own desire and need for him. I hated that feeling. I never felt I needed or craved Jack. Kristoff on the other hand consumed my soul and my body; he was my own personal drug.
We both walked back, my heels sounding off the pavement, till we got to his building and walked into it. I purposely avoided locking eyes with anyone, but I kept my head high. I wondered how many of the employees witnessed what happened. It was a popular lunch place for many of them. We entered the elevator together, and he pushed the button to get us to his executive floor. We rode the elevator in silence, and true to his word he kept his distance.
I wrapped my arms around myself, feeling alone although Kristoff was only a few feet away from me. The elevator door beeped and opened. I left the elevator and Kimberly’s eyes watched me pass by with a somber look on her face as if she was worried about me. I walked through to his office with Kristoff right behind me.
“Kimberly,” Kristoff ordered over his shoulder. “Take rest of the day off.”
“Is Gemma alright?” she asked unsure. “I don’t want to leave her.”
“I’ll be sure she gets home safe,” he promised, shut the door, and locked it.