“I’m sorry, Rick,” I mumbled against his chest. “I love you and couldn’t have survived the last ten years without you.”

“It’s a thin line between friendship and love,“ he added softly. “I will always love you and your girls. As long as we have each other, all will be ok.”

“Will it now, Rick?” Kristoff’s voice startled us both and I glanced up from Rick’s arms straight into Kristoff’s eyes. “Now, isn’t this a touching scene?”

Rick didn’t remove his arms from around me and I remained frozen there, which probably gave the wrong impression. Kristoff’s gaze was cold. “Does your wife know you are here, Rick?”

“Kristoff, Rick was just explaining…” my voice was shaky and he cut me off.

“Save it, Gemma. I don’t care what Rick was explaining. There is only one thing he wants and that is to get into your pants.” His voice was furious and I felt like I’d just been slapped across the face. I was looking at a complete stranger with a cold emerald gaze.

People were glancing our way, mumbling.

“Please, Kristoff. You are making a scene!” I hissed.

More people started to look at us and I stood up to leave. Rick followed suit and took my hand into his, which was the wrong thing to do judging by Kristoff’s stormy gaze.

I could feel nausea hit me, and my breathing became shallow. I pushed between the two men and rushed through the door onto the pavement. No sooner I was outside, I leaned over a trash can and puked my guts out. I was trying hard to breathe in and out, in and out.

Kristoff was right behind me, holding my hair out of my face and rubbing my back. I didn’t know when he started to do that but it soothed me in a way.

“Gemma, are you ok?” Rick asked in concern. I just nodded my head.

“Yes, yes… it’s nothing,” I mumbled and waved my hand. I went to wipe my mouth on my sleeve. It would be the first thing I’d tell my kids not to do. Before I did that though, Kristoff was wiping my mouth with his handkerchief.

“Rick, isn’t it time you get back to your wife or to work?” I flinched from Kristoff’s cold voice. “You need to stop chasing, Gemma.” I shook his hand off of me angry and hurt.

“Stop it,” I warned him with the glare. He took my hand, although gently, and I shook it off in anger.

Rick stepped closer to him and warned Kristoff. “Listen, buddy. You should cool off and then you can see if she wants to talk to you.”

If there was a right thing to say to set Kristoff off, that was it. As if in slow motion, although it happened in two, three seconds tops, Kristoff balled his fist and punched Rick right in the face.

I stared at him in shock, disbelieving what I’d just seen.

“What the fuck, Kristoff?” I yelled at him as I put my arms around Rick who was holding his face.

“Rick… oh my God, are you ok?” I asked, bending my head over his hunched over body, bringing it close to his face, trying to see damage done to his face.

“Yes,” he answered through clenched teeth. I wasn’t sure if it was out of anger or pain.

I glared at Kristoff who was standing there like a statue, cold gaze on me.

“Why would you do that?” I snapped at him trying to keep my voice down. We already had curious witnesses staring.

Rick stood up, and I took a step back, my hand still on his shoulder. His eye was already turning purple.Shit, shit, shit!

Rick glared at Kristoff and hissed, “I’ll give you one piece of advice, buddy, see this woman,” he motioned with his head towards me. “You ever lay a hand on her, and I’ll kill you. Whatever your problem is, get it under control; otherwise, she’s gone.”

Now that was out of line for Rick too! I understood his protectiveness but it wasn’t his place to say that.

“I’m going home,” I shouted angry at both of them.

“I’ll take you.” Kristoff’s voice was hard, leaving no room for argument, but at this point I was so fed up and just wanted to be alone.

“No,” I snapped at him.

“Gemma, maybe let him drive you home,” Rick interjected, his eye was getting worse by the minute. “You look pale. Just to make sure you get home safe.”