I really wanted to see Rick and talk to him but I wasn’t going to say that to Krisotff.
“I better go and finish my spreadsheet before lunchtime.” I bent down and gave him one last peck on the cheek, then turned around and returned to my desk.
Chapter Thirteen
Five minutes before noon, I was the only one on our floor. Kristoff went off to his lunch meeting, and Kimberly went shopping for a gift. I grabbed my bag and hurried out the office, across the street to Panera Bread.
As soon as I entered, I spotted Rick waving at me. He had a booth seated by the window for us. He stood up as I joined him. It was the first time I’d seen him since the night club, and we both just stared at each other for a moment.
“You look tired, Gemma,” Rick spoke up first and then hugged me. “Thank you for meeting me.”
“Gees, thanks! You don’t look so great yourself, Rick.” I smiled at him and returned the hug.
“I got us some food,” he pointed to platters on the table. “I remember you love their chicken salad, and I got you a Mediterranean sandwich, just in case you are not in the mood for a salad.”
“Thank you, Rick! How much do I owe you?” He was right, those were usually lunch items I loved best here, but at that moment, I couldn’t stomach the smell.
“Nothing. It’s on me,” he answered with a smile.
“Thank you,” I replied smiling back. “Next time, it’s on me.”
He motioned with his hand for me to sit down and he scooted next to me, rather than sitting across from me.
“How was the business trip?” I asked. I forced myself to dig into the salad although I had no appetite at all. The smell in the place bothered me, causing a headache.
“It was good. Jonathan and I made good headway closing the deal,” he answered, and then asked, “He mentioned Sienna is seeing his son?”
“Yes, I guess you could say they are dating,” I told him. “Bizzare, right?”
“She’s growing up.” He gave me that smile I knew so well. He always put me at ease and I smiled back. We sat in silence watching each other, my headache lingering.
Deciding I just didn’t want us to avoid the elephant in the room, I looked at Rick pensively and asked, “Why did you never say anything?”
Rick took a deep breath, a sad smile on his face. “I really wished Betty would have never told you.”
“I’m just surprised,” I started. “I thought Betty and you hit it off right away from the moment I set you up on that blind date,” I commented.
“Not really,” he answered. “She was coming off a break up, and I was… well I tried to convince myself I didn’t like you that much.”
I looked at him incredulously. “How is that even possible? I never picked up on it.”
“You were still rather heartbroken about your parents,” he commenced. “In retrospect, maybe I should have been more open with my feelings and intentions. But Jack beat me to it.”
I shook my head in disbelief. “I wish he hadn’t,” I mumbled, remembering all the misery Jack brought me. Then I remembered the girls; he did give me three treasures. “Although, we probably wouldn’t have dated long if you would have beat him to the punch back then.”
He brushed his finger across my cheek. “I’m not so sure,” he answered before continuing. “When we first met at that college party, I told Jack I thought you were the most beautiful girl I ever met. You still are.” He laughed bitterly. “I told Jack I was going to call you next evening and ask you out. I wanted to ask you the same day, but Jack insisted it’s best to wait at least a day. If I’d only known, he was saying all that just so he could beat me to the punch. Anyhow, by the time I was ready to call you the next day after my shift at work, I already heard you were going out with Jack. I honestly didn’t think you two would last. He was my cousin, and we grew up together but it didn’t mean I was blind to his character. He was selfish, sometimes violent, always put himself before anyone else, and didn’t care who he hurt as long as he got what he wanted.”
We were both quiet knowing we shouldn’t speak ill of the dead but it was true.
“Then you got pregnant,” Rick continued. “Things became more permanent. I could see how unhappy you were, and how much it hurt you the way he treated you. But you still stayed. And then you set me up with Betty, and you know how the rest went. I love Betty, but I guess you were my real first crush. And that’s what you stayed. What Betty said at the nightclub, it was just drunkenness and jealousy. I probably didn’t help the situation when I told her she should take a few pages out of your book that evening. You are like a sister to me now, and I want what’s best for you and your girls.”
Thinking back to our friendship and how it began, it was really stupid I didn’t notice it. I looked again at this man I’d known for so long and exhaled deeply.
“God, what a mess…” I mumbled. We looked at each other in silence for a moment. “Who knew life would turn out this messy?” I asked him.
He laughed, reached for my hand, and squeezed it with affection.
“All will be ok, beautiful,” he assured me and wrapped me in his embrace. I hugged him back and leaned my head on his chest, like I did so many times before when I just needed a hug after Jack’s outbursts.