“Sorry,” I apologized, moving away, but he pulled me back in.

“Don't move away,” his voice was a soft command. “I want you next to me. I love feeling your body on mine. I'm not planning on getting up anytime soon.”

“Okay,” I exhaled and snuggled back into his arms, my head on his chest, my lips against his skin. “God, I feel exhausted,” I murmured sleepily against him. His hand was rubbing my back in circular gentle motion which made my eyelids heavy.

“You are not getting sick, are you?” he asked with concern.

“No,” I muttered, my eyes closed as I drifted off to sleep.

In the past, spending a few days without my kids seemed agonizingly long. I still missed them and would call to chat with them twice a day. Although some days, it seemed the feeling was one-sided as they rushed to get off the phone. But this time, the entire week flew by surprisingly fast. I spent all week at Kristoff’s. We drove to work and back home together. It was such a simple action of commuting together, but it was our time and I loved it. He had his staff at the mansion only work a few hours a day that week, so by the time we’d get home, everyone was gone.

His chef was the best. He’d prep food for us, and all we had to do was put it in the oven, and dinner was ready.

“I’d totally marry your chef,” I told Kristoff wistfully. “And did you notice he makes us healthy food?” This was a completely new experience for me, not having to worry about making my bed, cleaning, or cooking. His staff took care of everything.

Kristoff laughed at me. “Good thing he’s already married. Otherwise, I’d have fierce competition,” he cackled. “He makes healthy food just for you!”

“See,” I pointed out joking. “Totally marriage compatible. He’d be perfect for my diet. And whatever he cooks doesn’t make me sick at all.” Since the first morning I spent here, his cook must have figured out what food agreed with me because I liked all of it and none of it bothered me.

Each night, a few hours before bed, I’d sneak into his library and Kristoff would follow. While I sat on the couch, curled up next to him reading, he’d either work on his laptop or read the business section of the news. It was as close to bliss as I’d ever felt.

I missed Rick and Betty. I’d find myself picking up the phone to call or text and then stop. A few days after the nightclub happened, I finally replied to Betty’s text message. I just told her not to worry about it and forget it. I knew I wanted to forget it and pretend it never happened.

But I didn’t reply to Rick. Each time I went to type a reply, I’d delete it... unsure of what to say. I hated that it felt uncomfortable to talk to him; it was a completely new feeling. He was always the one I’d reached out to when I had questions, needed help, or just because I wanted to talk to him. I also missed his random calls to me. I missed his voice, the familiarity of our conversations, our history. I’ve known him longer than Betty.

I glanced up from my book and stared out the window. For the millionth time that week, I thought how perfect life would be if the girls were here with me, and we were all together. On top of that, if we could resolve the situation with Rick, I’d be over the moon. I would feel completely and utterly happy, the happiest I’d been in a very long time. Possibly the happiest I’d been ever! It was a scary feeling and made me a bit paranoid thinking something was about to go wrong.

“What are you thinking about, beautiful?” Kristoff's inquiring voice startled me. Part of me still couldn’t allow myself to expose all my thoughts and feelings to him. I wasn’t sure if he felt as strongly about me as I felt about him. He hadn’t directly shared his feelings but then neither had I. I wanted his all - his heart, soul, and body. I wanted a happily ever after, but I couldn’t say that to him. He hasn’t mentioned anything past my body, although his actions hinted he cared.

I turned my face to him with a small smile and snuggled closer to him, laying a kiss onto his lips.

“Nothing,” I murmured against his lips.

Something flashed in his eyes. “What’s wrong?” he asked in a neutral tone.

“Nothing is wrong,” I assured him. “I was thinking about the girls and going home tomorrow. They are back on Saturday so I want to pick them up from the airport.”

He relaxed a bit, and his hand wrapped around me and pulled me even closer to him. I laid my head against his chest, listening to his strong heart, and enjoyed the moment.

Chapter Ten

Kristoff and I never brought up Betty or Rick. I had a feeling he would not be onboard with getting things resolved with Rick and Betty, but I missed them a lot. I couldn’t avoid them, and I didn’t want to. They were family after all and I wanted to fix what happened. I had a sense that Kristoff held a grudge forever.

The same week the kids were back from their vacation with Grandma, I sent a message to Betty one evening after putting the kids to bed. Almost the same second that I pressed the send button, my phone rang. It was Betty.

“Hello,” I answered hesitantly, a bit nervous now that it was happening.

“Gemma,” hearing her shaky voice, I choked up.

“Hi Betty,” I was trying to keep it together, my emotions all over the place. I couldn’t understand myself being so emotional upon hearing her voice.

“I missed you so much,” she mumbled in a teary voice. “I am so sorry. Rick and I have been beside ourselves.”

“I’m sorry, too,” I answered shaky. “I missed you. Rick too.”

“He’s here. Will you talk to him?” she pleaded.

“Only if it’s ok with you,” I replied. Although I really wanted to talk to him, I wasn’t sure what to say. The whole incident at the nightclub played out in my mind, bringing back my discomfort.