“Hmmm… I didn’t even think of this but I have nothing to wear. I only packed for one day,” I started, then added, “It wouldn’t be fair for me to be naked for the rest of the night and not you.”

“I rather like the picture that comes to mind with a comment like that,” he retorted with a chuckle. “Take a look in the closet. I had it filled with clothes your size.”

“When? Why?”

“The store we went to before the gala event already had your size so I had them send extra clothes I thought you’d like here. A little bit of everything. Of course, I didn’t think of hiking clothes.”

“Ahhh,” was all I was able to say as I walked over to the closet and opened it to find a large selection of clothes… expensive clothes. He really ensured he covered all scenarios in clothes selection.

As I was running my fingers through clothes trying to decide on what to wear for a stay-at-home dinner, I couldn’t help but think where all this was going. I liked him... a lot! He seemed to like me too. I wouldn’t quite call us a perfect match but we fit well together.

Am I reading all the signs wrong?I couldn’t help but wonder.

I’m working for him, I’m sleeping with him, he’s filling up his closet with my size clothing. I wanted to do everything with him. Feeling of hope was growing but my fears tampered it down.

“Gemma, what’s the matter?” Kristoff’s voice startled me out of my thoughts. I turned toward him and just put a smile on my face.

“Nothing,” I answered quickly. Although I kept trying to tamper all the hope, I couldn’t stop my mind from creating pretty pictures of a happy family and our lives together. He was wonderful and caring with me and my children. He was protective of people he cared about and I loved that about him. “How did you know I was going to spend the night?” I asked for no reason at all. “It sort of happened on impulse yesterday.”

“I think we both know that everything we were doing was going to lead us to my bed… or yours.”

“Except, I didn’t buy clothes for you in your size to store them in my closet,” I mumbled low.

Kristoff’s eyes focused on me, seconds stretching quietly to what seemed like minutes. In the end he didn’t say anything else and just reached over me and grabbed a pair of white slacks and a striped white and red shirt. He handed them to me.

“Thanks,” I said. I picked undergarments out myself and along with it, I went into the bathroom to get dressed. One look into the mirror showed undeniably Kristoff’s good taste in clothing.

I brushed out my hair once again. It fell in soft and silky waves to my shoulders. I stared at myself in the mirror and it was like I couldn’t even recognize myself. Reflection staring back at me was slightly pale and tired but other than that, I was glowing. I looked relaxed and happy although my mind was a mess.

My common sense was telling me to go home right now and get distance from Kristoff. But the other side of me, which I never experienced before, the reckless side, kept telling me to continue and have a good time. Enjoy it while it lasts!

I looked back defiantly at my own reflection. Who’s to say it couldn’t last forever. I wanted my own happily ever after, damn it!

Who the hell is this reckless woman?I wondered while staring at the mirror.

I was way too young when I started dating Jack. We enjoyed being together… in the beginning. And then reality hit. Sienna came, we were broke, I worked my ass off while he spent nights out with his friends and gradually other girlfriends, getting drunk and not growing up. Then his violence and jealousy became worse as the years went on. And I resented it! The more time passed by, the more resentful I became.

I should have ended the marriage before it got worse. But I didn’t. And it got worse and worse, for me, my self-esteem, for him… till his accident ended it all. Maybe if I’d ended it before it got so bad, we would have both continued on with our lives and moved on. Maybe we could have even been friends.

I shook my head.This is a rabbit hole; there is no point going down it now.I stepped out of the bathroom to find Kristoff had already gone downstairs.

I went downstairs to join him and found him in the kitchen looking at instructions.

“You are not cooking, I hope?” I mused. “You said there was something already pre-made?”

“You scared to eat my cooking, Gemma?” Kristoff asked with his eyebrow raised. “Think I can’t cook?”

“I’m sure you can cook… and very well, I bet. I couldn’t imagine you not being good at anything,” I said, smirking. “Well, except putting a child into a car seat.”

“Is that a compliment or...?” he challenged me.

“Oh, it is not a compliment. Just stating facts,” I began with a chuckle. “I just don’t want you to worry about cooking after that hike today. I’m sure you are tired,” I concluded coming up to him. And then added teasingly, while gently bumping his shoulder. “I’m sure the first time hiking in your forties is exhausting. You have to build up that endurance.”

Truthfully, he was in great shape and did not break a sweat during any part of our hike today, and it wasn’t the simplest of terrains.

“Miss Rose, are you calling me old?” Kristoff asked patronizingly.

“I would never, Mr. Baldwin,” I countered laughing. “C’mon, let me help you. What are we cooking?”