How do I manage to be sarcastic when I feel like puking?

He laughed and then asked in a serious tone. “Want me to send them away for the weekend?”

“No, no…” I blurted quickly. “It is just different, that’s all.”

“Gemma, you look like you are going to be sick,” he expressed with concern in his eyes. “Are you sure you are alright?”

I pushed the plate away and walked to the open door that led to his large terrace. I took a deep breath as fresh air hit me. Kristoff was right behind me.

“Gemma, what’s the matter?” His handsome face painted with worry.

“My stomach has been bothering me, and I just needed some fresh air.” I smiled, trying to show him I was fine. It’s amazing what fresh air can do for me. “I don’t usually eat breakfast, so I think it just got to me.”

“I could take you to the doctor’s?” he suggested.

“No way,” I answered quickly, smiling. “I hate going to the doctor and it is nothing. I already feel better. I just needed fresh air.”

“Want to eat out here?” Kristoff offered and I loved the idea.

“Yes,” I accepted quickly, happy he’d thought of it. “Yes, I would love it if we could sit out here for breakfast. I’ll go grab our plates.”

“No,” Kristoff objected as he gently pushed me down to sit. “I’ll go grab it and you stay sitting down. I’ll be right back.”

The smell didn’t bother me as much outside. He sat down and placed his napkin over his lap. I did the same, and we both grabbed forks to start our breakfast. He was eating, while I pushed food around my plate that didn’t seem appetizing to me at the moment.

James showed up on the terrace at that moment with the large bowl of fruit, and I broke into a smile for him. I could eat fruit all day any day.

“I thought Miss would like some fruit,” he announced.

“Call me Gemma,” I answered him. “And yes, fruit is more my kind of breakfast. Thank you!”

“You’re welcome.” And then he turned to Kristoff. “You should have called me to move your table to the terrace,” he scolded him gently.

“Don’t worry, James. Gemma and I handled it. But next time we will,” Kristoff agreed.

James nodded and left us to it.

I turned my attention to the fruit on my breakfast plate, aware Kristoff was glancing at me, and I tried to ignore his questioning looks. I remained focused on my food, turning to my thoughts.

Bad idea since my thoughts went right back to last night. I chewed on my apple slice slowly, while my stomach twisted in a knot feeling like I could choke on whatever I was eating. I brought a glass of water to my mouth to take a sip and push fruit down my throat.

It’s been a while since I cried but I felt like I could curl up in a ball and start crying. Second time crying in the span of twenty-four hours would top my life record. I hated the feeling and I swallowed a gulp forming in my throat. I took the glass with my slightly trembling fingers and brought it to my lips for another drink.

I thought back to Betty’s words from last night. Rick and I had always been close. Did I somehow lead him on without realizing it? Just the thought of it made me feel horrible, like the worst person. I ruined her birthday.

Even now, thinking back to when Rick, Jack, and I met, I still couldn’t see any signs or hints that Rick liked me. He had never shown an interest beyond our friendship. Everyone always wondered why Jack and I dated, when it was Rick and I that got along better. The two of us got along right off bat and had similar personalities. When people asked jokingly why we didn’t date, we both always laughed it off. Well, Rick didn’t exactly confirm what Betty was saying, so it could be that it was all a drunken drama. I was hopeful.

More like stupid,I thought to myself wincing inwardly.I should have asked Kristoff to take me home.It would have given me time to come to terms with my thoughts.

“I have never met a woman that is so comfortable with the silence as you are, Gemma.” Kristoff startled me with his comment.

I glanced at him with a small smile, trying to ensure my thoughts remained hidden. “I guess I’m not a morning person.”

His look stayed on me intently, and I got a sense that I was not fooling him, but thankfully, he dropped the subject altogether.

“Is there anything special you wanted to do this weekend?” he asked instead.

“Except for our hiking, I didn’t have any specific plans,” I answered. “Are you still up to it? It might be strenuous.” I challenged him with a smile. “I would have to make a quick stop at my place to change. I didn’t pack hiking clothes.”