He pulled out a box out of his blazer inside pocket and lowered himself down onto one knee.

“Layla Cambridge, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” I stared at him eyes wide, my brain slow to process the meaning of it. “I’ll wait for as long as it takes.”

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I tried again, my voice lost somewhere in the emotions choking my throat.

So I nodded, vigorously and crazy.

“Is that a yes?” he muttered. “You are crying and nodding. I’m worried.”

“Yes, Maxim,” the words finally came out. “Yes, yes, yes.”

I threw myself on him, almost knocking him off his knees and tumbling us both down the stairs.

“I’ll make you happy, love.” His words were a promise, as he slipped the ring onto my finger. It was a beautiful ring, but it didn’t compare to him. Nobody and nothing ever would.

“You have already made me happy,” I murmured, my heart threatening to explode from happiness.

It took us longer to get to my sister’s and his brother's. We had a little stopover on the way to their place.

As always, Livy’s place was a madhouse. Lots of crying babies, Maxim’s father and grandfather fussing over Brandon and the little ones. Even Daniel was there, with one of the babies on his lap. If I had to guess, it was Lena since he kept gently bouncing his knee. It helped with her colic.

“Hey, sis,” I greeted her with a kiss. “Looking good.”

She laughed. “Because I showered.”

“Oh, is that all it took?” I teased.

“Well, that and some shower sex,” she whispered so nobody else could hear.

“Woman, I don’t want to know that stuff,” I groaned in a low voice but still couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. “We had a little car sex,” I added, grinning.

“What are you two whispering about?” Maxim’s grandfather questioned and my cheeks heated. Thankfully, Livy blushed too.

“Um, nothing,” we both answered at the same time and burst into a fit of giggles.

Liberty ran to her father-in-law to help with Lily while I went to sit next to Daniel.

“Hey, Daniel,” I greeted him with a wide smile. “Will you ever show up at our foundation again?”

He rolled his eyes. “Maybe.”

“Want me to take Lena?”

“How do you know it's her?” he questioned. “They are all bloody dressed the same.”

I chuckled. “Well, you are bouncing her on your knee and she is the only one with colic issues. And see this little mark,” I pointed to a little freckle behind her neck. “She’s the only one that has it.”

He blinked his eyes and then stared at me, shaking his head. “Unbelievable. That could have been a piece of dirt.”

“Yes, because she’s already rolling around in dirt,” I teased as I lifted her. “Uncle Daniel doesn’t know what he is talking about, does he Lena?” I cooed to her.

“This place is a madhouse,” he muttered under his breath.

“But in the best way possible,” I beamed, sitting myself next to him. “Right, baby?” I glanced around at the full house and this family that became mine. It was priceless to me.

“What is that?” Livy’s screech startled everyone.

I glanced around, confused. “What?”