“I love seeing you smile.”

I rolled my eyes. “One of these days, the wrong person will hear this talk.”

“They won’t know what hit them,” he chuckled. “They’ll wish to be us.”

This time I chuckled too. He was crazy. But then, so was I. That’s why I loved him.

I glanced over and he offered a warm smile. Yes, I loved him. Nobody has stood by me like this man. He offered comfort, home, amazing sex and -

“Movement by the locker,” someone whispered and all my thoughts about Maxim came to an abrupt stop as I watched a woman head towards the locker.

“Mom,” I whispered as I felt a piece of me break. My heart stuck in my throat, all I tasted on my tongue was hurt and betrayal. It was her. I’d recognize her anywhere. The way she walked and her petite frame. Her hair wasn’t that light honey color anymore. She dyed it a warm brown and had it cut into a stylish bob. Her small dress hugged her curves and made her look younger than her fifties. She looked good, healthy.

I held my breath as she pulled out the envelope from the designated locker. She glanced around before opening it. I was too far to see her expression or see the lines on her face. From here, it almost looked like she hadn’t aged at all.

I watched her frown, realizing the envelope was empty.

“Move on the target.” Someone whispered, and suddenly there was so much commotion, I wasn’t sure who was coming or who was going. I froze, my eyes locked on my mother. I waited, staring at the woman that gave me birth, and the pain in my chest made it impossible to breathe.

I sensed the panic attack coming and did nothing to control it. I just stared, my breathing getting labored with each second, my skin clammy with anxiety.

“Layla.” Someone’s voice called out, but I couldn’t move. I couldn’t look away.

My head pounded, warm liquid running down my forehead and into my eyes. I tried to sit up but sharp pains shot through me. I blinked, bringing my hand to my face and smearing the warm, sticky liquid all over my face. My eyes lowered, and with shock I realized it was blood.

“Mom.” My eyes traveled to the front driver seat, where my mom laid, her head smashed against the side window. “Mom,” I tried to scream.

The smell of gasoline was everywhere, making me sick to my stomach. Even worse than the gasoline was the metallic smell of blood. My head pounded hard, making my vision blurry.

“Layla.” My mother groaned and a relief spread through me.

“I’m here.” The pounding in my head was getting worse, more blood seeping from my forehead. “Where is Brian?”

My eyes darted around, but I couldn’t see him. “Mom, can you move?”

Another groan. “I can’t move, Mom.”

I tried to reach for my seatbelt. Every part of my body hurt as I moved my arm to reach for it, but I gritted my teeth. We had to get out of here.

Black dots swam behind my eyelids, getting bigger and bigger. Until darkness overwhelmed me and I passed out.

“Layla, take a breath.” I knew this voice. Maxim? I blinked my eyes but my vision swam. I couldn’t see anything, just spinning.

“Jesus, Layla. You are going to pass out. Breathe.” Was that Daniel’s voice?

I blinked my eyes, my brain slow to comprehend why Maxim and Daniel sounded so panicked.

“Love, take a deep breath. Right now.” Someone’s hands shook me. I closed my eyes, focusing on the buzzing in my ears. Yes, I had to breathe.

I took a deep breath in, the oxygen entering my starving lungs.

“That’s right, love.”

“You are doing good, doll.”


“Do it again.”