What the hell is she talking about?

“Layla, please listen to me,” I begged.

She half snorted as she shook her head. “Don’t bother, Maxim. I know I’m not worth it. I’m never worth it, never was, never will be. God,” she barked. “You’d think I’d learn. And now, I’m just a well-paid whore,” she laughed bitterly. The self-disgust rolled off of her in waves.

She heaved a determined breath, valiantly getting those tears under control as she moved back toward the door. The ice queen was back, her emotional armor wrapped around her like a cloak. “Get out of my way, Maxim. Or should I say Luke?” she sneered.

She was going to bolt. I could see it in her body language as she started to push her way out of the car.

“Stop! Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

“As far away from you as I can get!” she spat.

I had to get her up to my penthouse. This was not the place to have this discussion if you could call it that. And if this wildcat got away from me now, I’d never get her back. I had taken command of her body the other night. I needed to do the same now.

“Stop it! I didn’t force you to come to Revelation.” Yes, I didn’t reveal who I was but she wouldn’t dump this on me alone. We were both there and we both wanted it. She couldn’t deny that much.

She didn’t answer and I could already see her old walls coming up.

“You can pretend there is nothing between us but we both know you’d be lying to yourself. Yes, I bid on you the other night. I might have not told you who I was but neither have you. I intended to tell you before our night was over. Now, you will come upstairs with me and youwilllisten to what I have to tell you. If you still want to go after that, you may, but until then, you will do as you’re told.”

I grabbed her arm as she continued to put distance between us. I wasn’t going to hurt her, but I wasn’t about to let her escape. Not when she was about to break.

She looked down at my hand on her arm as if it were something disgusting. “Are you going to pay me another ten million? That seems to be my going rate,” she said flippantly as if nothing more could hurt her. I knew better.

I could see the anger in her eyes but also the hurt and vulnerability she was so adamant about hiding from everyone. It was hard for her to trust anyone; I get it. But I wouldn’t let her go without a fight. I wanted her and would give my damn all to have her in my life.

I took hold of her other arm and pulled her towards me. “I’d give you my entire fortune if I thought it would make you stay,” I growled through clenched teeth.

The startled look on her face broke my heart. She had no idea what she meant to me, but I was about to rectify that if I had to chain her to a chair – or my bed – until she believed me.

I let go of her, stepping back with my hand outstretched for hers.

“Come with me. Please.” My eyes sought hers, begging her to trust me.

With hesitation, she placed her small hand in mine, and I guided her to the entrance of my building. Her clothes were wet, and although it was still warm out, it was easy to catch a cold or pneumonia in weather like that.

We walked into the building and rode the elevator in silence, her hand remained in mine. I took it as a good sign. As the lift drifted up to the top floor, I watched her. I almost expected anger, frustration, but all I could see on her face were traces of exhaustion and resignation. Her body shivered slightly from the cold, goosebumps on her skin.

“I don’t have any women’s clothing,” I murmured, pulling her closer to me. “But you can wear my shirt and maybe boxers as shorts. You are shivering.”

“You should change too,” she said in a tired voice. Her body was stiff next to me, but I refused to let her pull away from me, from us. “I guess it wasn’t as warm as I thought.”

The elevator dinged, and I nudged her in the direction of my bedroom. Once there, we headed for the bathroom.

“Take your clothes off,” I told her. “I’ll be right back.”

Her eyes watched me warily but eventually she obeyed, and I strode into my walk-in closet pulling a shirt and grabbing a pair of boxers out of the dresser. For myself, I grabbed a dry pair of sweatpants.

When I was back in the bathroom, Layla was only in her bra and underwear. My cock immediately jolted upright, ready for her. She has been the only woman to bring up my insatiable side.

She gave me a tight smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I figured no need to pretend modesty,” her voice was a raspy whisper. “You already saw me naked. Actually, paid to see me naked.”

I didn’t comment but just helped her put my shirt on. She pushed her arms through the sleeves, and I buttoned them one by one. She never moved, her eyes on me. The only tell of her nervousness was her lower lip, trapped between her teeth.

It fucking killed me to see the doubt and vulnerability in Layla’s eyes. She always tried to be so hard and resilient but she didn’t need to be that around me.

“I fucked up, Layla. I wanted to tell you it was me and planned to before our night was over.” I really needed her to trust me. “I didn’t know you’d be there. I was on my way out when I spotted you. And damn it, when I saw you on the stage up for bidding, I lost it. I didn’t want anyone else to have you. I am totally crazy about you.”