“No. It is just a game.”
“A game?”
“Yes, a prank.”
“Then why did it say drop off money in the same place as last time?” Liberty inquired. She was getting upset, I could see it all over her face. So was Layla, because she was going into defense mode.
Alexander, Daniel, and I shared a glance.
“Damn it, Liberty,” Layla hissed. “Drop it. It is nothing.”
“Then give me the note,” she demanded, extending her hand.
“No. And I just remembered,” Layla would run. I knew it without a doubt. “I have something to do. I have to go.”
She stood up and without another word, rushed across the room and out the door, but Liberty was right behind her. I had to force myself to sit back. There was nothing more I wanted to do but run after her and tell her I’d take care of it all.
“Wait, Layla,” she yelled behind her but Layla kept going. Liberty caught up to her and grabbed her hand. They were out of sight but her voices still carried over.
“Tell me what is going on,” Liberty demanded. “Maybe I can help.”
“It is nothing. Please, just let it go.”
“Who is blackmailing you?”
“Liberty, please,” Layla begged her sister, vulnerability coloring her voice. Something in my chest squeezed in pain. She was always a firecracker, fighting back, and right now, she sounded resigned. “Please let it go. Just enjoy your happy news. We’ll go shopping the day after tomorrow.”
“No, I want to help! That’s what sisters and friends are for.”
“I got it under control. Please don’t worry,” Layla’s voice was soft. “And don’t stress. I think I heard somewhere that it is bad for pregnancy.”
“Then let me help you, and I won’t be stressed. Do you need money?”
“No, I don’t. Just don’t worry. It is really nothing.”
“Is that why-” Liberty cut herself off, and I wished I could see both of their faces. “Is that why you never cut ties with your grandparents? Oh my God, it is. Isn’t it? How long has this been going on, Layla? Do they know?”
I haven’t had any close interactions with the Cambridge family, but I already knew I hated them. Daniel usually interacted with Henry Cambridge since he weaseled his way into our foundation. I was always for doing things by the book, following the law, but now I fucking wished Daniel handled him his way. And it had nothing to do with history between my family and theirs. It had everything to do with what they did to Layla. I would burn the Cambridge name to the ground and take everything they own for hurting their granddaughter.
“Just go back over there and take care of your guests. This is nothing. I’ll call you later.”
“Wait, Layla. Wa-” Liberty’s voice faded as both of their footsteps carried them away from the house.
“What is going on?” Alexander demanded. It was so like my brother to pick up on the fact I might know something. He usually didn’t concern himself with Daniel’s and my business. He knew we kicked ass in terms of the profits; I had shares in Caldwell businesses too. When I was needed, I worked there too. It was the reason I went to Caldwell Enterprise and to the family’s publishing company.
But Daniel’s and my business was ours and his was his. Unless we needed advice, and we very rarely did, we kept out of each other’s way; our business interests vastly different.
I knew he was aware of Daniel’s mafia background and he didn’t give a shit. His only requirement was that we didn’t involve ourselves in it. We had enough smears in the Caldwell family history.
“Don’t worry about it,” I answered. “Daniel and I are handling it.”
Alexander gave me his big brother look, but to his credit said nothing else.
“What are you handling?” Liberty asked from the doorway.
“Livy. Like Layla said,” I tried to calm down my sister-in-law. “Nothing for you to worry about.”
I will take care of Layla.