I seriously needed someone to slap me hard. Earning money by selling myself. I wasn’t exactly sure if my mother was turning in her grave but someone definitely was. Probably Lena and Larry, they always took on the responsible role over Livy and I. Gosh, I missed them. I didn’t talk to them every day like Livy, but I still missed having the option to just pick up the phone and talk to my best friend.
On a sigh, I went in search of my phone in order to distract myself. If I thought about Lena and Larry, I risked a breakdown. When I finally found it, I picked it up and saw there was a missed message from Maxim.
Like an eager school girl, I quickly swiped it open.
Maxim: Are you awake?
I grinned stupidly.
Me: Yes.
“Oh, shit,” I muttered under my breath. I should have checked the time he sent that. He could have sent that hours ago. Only an hour ago. I exhaled in relief. Okay, not bad. He sent it around midnight. Midnight and one in the morning were just as bad… or good. Yeah, good for a booty call.
I groaned out loud, the sound the only noise throughout the house.
Maxim: Why are you still up?
Me: Because you are texting me.
Me: I’m joking. Couldn’t sleep. You?
I held my breath, waiting for his response.
Maxim: Couldn’t sleep either.
Before I could think of a reply, another message came through.
Maxim: I want you in my bed.
My mouth parted, a shot of excitement flowed through my veins while my heart raced in my chest, threatening to cause a heart attack. It would certainly be a way to go out with a bang. He wanted me. I wanted him too. And I was so damn turned on. The desire pooled between my thighs while my ears rang from the thundering of my heartbeat.
She died excited and turned on beyond recognition.Would they put that on my tombstone?
His response was not what I expected. My fingers hovered over the keyboard, unsure how to respond.Tell him,my mind whispered.Just tell him you want him. Be honest.
My fingers slowly started their dance across the keyboard.
Me: I think I wouldn’t mind that.
Maxim: Yeah?
I slept with a stranger a few nights ago who rattled my body in the best way possible. I shouldn’t even contemplate sleeping with Maxim. Except…sex isn’t the only thing I wanted with Maxim, I realized.
Me: Yes. Considering you are my boss, and I really love my new job, maybe we should take it slow. I don’t have a good track record and don’t want us to end up hating each other. For Brandon’s sake, Liberty’s, and our own.
I didn’t even know what taking it slow meant. I had no significant relationships to even talk about. But with him, I wanted something significant, something special.
Maxim: I can work with that plan. And Layla?
Me: Yes?
Maxim: I could never hate you.
He didn’t know my life story though. He couldn’t claim those words without knowing my history, the deaths I caused. I found myself wanting to tell him. For the first time since it all happened, I wanted to tell someone every single detail I recalled from that night. Would he understand this guilt that burned inside me like acid?
Me: Good night, Maxim.
I put my phone away before I risked the temptation of putting my entire admission in writing. I went back to bed, laid down and stared at the clock for hours before sleep finally came.