“Thanks for offering the car, Maxim.”
The driver already had the door opened, and I hurriedly slid into the seat, my wobbly legs barely able to make those few steps.
* * *
I watchedmy brother-in-law drive away with my sister and my nephew. The trip was sudden but perfect timing. I wasn’t sure how Alexander convinced my sister to go away with him, but I was glad he did. They needed to work their shit out. He loved her and she loved him. And damn it, Brandon loved them both. He lost one set of parents, he didn’t need to lose another. I worried for Livy. The last few weeks were hard on her. She tried to be strong, but I knew she fell for her husband.
I had worked at the Wounded Uniform foundation for a week now. I had seen plenty of Daniel, but since that kiss, I hadn’t seen Maxim. I couldn’t decide if I was relieved about it or disappointed. I knew I wasn’t happy about it. He did send me a text on my first day at the foundation, welcoming me to the team. Unsure how to handle what we experienced, I kept my reply short and professional.
Yes, I had plenty of men in my past, but this was different. It felt all new. Well, I had never had a real relationship with a man, besides dating Brian, so I was completely out of my element. And I kept doubting what Maxim wanted. Maybe he wasn’t looking for anything with me.
Ugh, I hated this self-doubt and insecurity. Usually, I was good at faking my security and tough demeanor, but now I was failing miserably.
With the car long gone, I lingered outside, lost in my thoughts. It seemed lately all my thoughts were consumed by Maxim and the blackmailer. I had hopes for the masquerade ball tonight, but my nerves were also rattled. After that explosive kiss with Maxim, I didn’t think I could ever kiss another man. They’d all be lacking in comparison.
Stop the ridiculous thinking. I need money for the blackmailer and to keep myself out of jail.
Nothing was more important than that. With a heavy sigh, I went back into the house.
Despite my worry for Livy and Brandon going off with Alexander, I was glad they weren’t here. I didn’t want to lie to my sister about what I was doing. Something told me Alexander Caldwell was planning on getting Livy back, one way or the other. She thought I didn’t notice her exhaustion and her moods. I’d bet anyone she was expecting a bundle of surprise in eight months or so. Lucky for everyone, I was broke and had nothing to bet on. Maybe if this masked ball didn’t pan out, I’d try out gambling.
Take a loan out for a purpose to gamble it and try my luck,I thought wryly.
I did some research on my own to find out about this place. Things were rather hushed about what goes on at these parties and they were very exclusive. It made me wonder how I ended up with an invitation. The whispering about this place was that all kinds of sexual fantasies happened here. Nothing was off limits, as long as it was to each participant's enjoyment. It made sense, I guess. Everyone had different desires, fantasies, and tastes. I did wonder about the auction and payments though.
It didn’t matter. It was to my benefit, after all. I couldn’t even imagine what Maxim would think about this. I wasn’t willing to question myself why I would even care what he would think. Probably because of that kiss that drugged me, had me yearning for more. If a single kiss by him could do that to me, I was doomed. I shoved those thoughts away for tonight.
I had to be in the right frame of mind for this. This was what I needed. It could be my ticket to freeing myself from my grandparents and my financial dependency on them.
You have to earn your keep, Layla!Grandfather pounded that into me since I was born.
A thrill of hope shot through my body. I would earn my keep and be free of them forever, even if the method was a bit morally questionable.
Liberty was so much better than me. She didn’t care if she was rich or poor. I was scared to death of being poor. My mother had instilled that into me, day and night, since I could talk. I believed for so long that material things were most important, but not anymore. At the same time, I understood money was necessary to survive, especially since I needed to keep my blackmailer happy. Not paying the ransom was not an option. If that evidence came out, I’d go to prison.
Fuck, I really don’t want to go to prison.Would they hang me?
I had to believe that the moment was coming when I could finally take the leap and cut my ties with my grandparents. Between the job with Daniel and Maxim and this auction, it could be good for me even if I cringed at the wordauctionsince it basically referred to me selling myself. I’d need to get over that if this was going to work. This was my chance to mark the ending of my life under their thumbs.
No, not ending. A new beginning.
Shoving all those thoughts out of my mind and into a dark corner, I stepped out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around my body and wrapped my hair into another towel. Once I dried off, I dried my blonde curls.
People always complimented me on the shade of my hair color. It was the exact same shade and texture as my father’s. As much as Liberty looked like her mother, I was a female image of our father. Lately, I have hated it more than usual. Dirty family secrets always came out, hurting quite a few people in the process. Just look at my sister and brother-in-law.
Why should my secret be any different, I thought with a shudder.
God, I hoped this last secret of mine would never come out. I wished the entire night of the accident was clear in my mind. I remembered a lot but for the life of me I didn’t recall taking any drugs that night. Nor driving. Just thinking about the images from that night of the car crash had my blood running cold.
My sister would certainly be disgusted with me if she found out. She would leave me, cut all ties with me. I was sure of it. She wouldn’t want me as part of her family. Nobody would. If my own grandparents despised me so much because of it, and they’ve known me since I was born, nobody else would love me either.
And now I have this dream job. And Maxim! God, what would he think?
I pushed the gloomy thoughts aside and slid little silver pins with dainty little white flowers though my hair. They used to be my mother’s favorite, before she started spiraling out of control.
What is it with me today?I had to stop reminiscing about all that shit.
I started applying my makeup, to hide the signs of my exhaustion. I smoothed the foundation onto my face. My skin didn’t need it, but I did. It was my armor. I called them my war colors. Without it, I felt too vulnerable and exposed. Yes, I’d wear a Venetian lace mask but make up gave me extra comfort that I wouldn’t be recognized. I regularly didn’t wear a lot of makeup, so this should work.I hope!