“Can you believe this?” Livy’s voice shook, her face wet from tears. “Our father was a rapist and a violent abuser.” I stared at her in shock. It was hard to come to terms with it all. “And my mother killed him!”
I swallowed hard. I had never known him but it wasn’t a pleasant thing to hear. My mother never put him on a pedestal, but she certainly put his wealth on it. I often thought it was the only reason sheaccidentallygot pregnant.
“I don’t blame her,” I whispered. “If it was between him or her, I’m glad she killed him.” Another tear rolled down my sister’s face, gutting me to the bones. I took her hand in mine. “Honestly, Livy, he deserved what he got. Maybe he had his father’s cruelty.”
Her hazel eyes snapped to me, questions in them. “Did your grandfather hurt you?”
I shook my head. “No, not physically. But if he treated his son the same way, from the moment he was born, I’m not surprised to hear our father was a major violent asshole. Your mother was trying to survive.”
“I don’t blame her for killing him,” she finally said. “Just hearing all this. It’s gut wrenching.”
“Agreed. That’s why we’ll focus on our family now and our future.”
“What do you mean?”
“I decided it is enough,” I told her. “I have to work up some stuff. Hopefully, if it works out, then I will cut all ties with them.”
“You will?” She sounded doubtful and I didn’t blame her. It was something she had been preaching for years. Except I couldn’t tell her why I kept going back to visit them.
“Yes,” I told her firmly. “It should have been done a long time ago. I just need to be smart about it. Get a job that I enjoy and can dedicate myself to it, get another place to live, and a few other things.” I wasn’t ready to drop another bomb on her. She had a hard enough night.
“We could all go to my place,” she offered her townhouse where she lived before she married Alexander.
“Thanks. I’ll keep it in mind.” I studied her pale face. There was exhaustion written all over it. The last few months have been rough on her. “Why don’t we go to bed? You are tired, and we’ll have tomorrow to talk.”
She nodded, a sadness shining through her. “I have such a hard time sleeping without him.”
There was no doubt about who she meant. She loved him. She hadn’t admitted it out loud, maybe not even to herself. But there was no mistaking it. She was in love with her husband. He would come after her, I was sure of it. Alexander Caldwell would not let go of my sister.
Let’s just hope he loves her too, I prayed silently.
* * *
“Livy, the car is out front,”I announced. It was eight in the morning and it felt nice having a full house. Livy had been here only a few days but we already had a routine going. Although I was certain she’d eventually be back with Alexander. That man was already laying out the ground to ensure she didn't escape him. Kind of controlling but also sweet.
I recalled Maxim’s text message from last night. He checked on me the night Livy found out all the family’s dirty laundry. With everything that happened, I replied and forgot to press the send button. He followed up again yesterday and my heart melted at his concern. Just a simple message, and I melted for that man. The same one I wanted to slam the door in his face on the day I met him.
Let me know you are okay.
Good luck on the interview tomorrow.
You’ll do great.
I thanked him and sent a funnyI’m scaredGIF. I was tempted to ask him whether I’d see him tomorrow. I wanted to see him but ended up chickening out and left it at that. Besides, if I ended up getting that job, it wasn’t like we could be anything but friends. Another strike against me.
“Already?” Livy ran around frazzled. She hadn’t been sleeping and constantly looked exhausted. She wasn’t exaggerating when she admitted to having a hard time sleeping without her husband.
“Yes, I guess they really need you at the publishing house,” I joked. “After all, you are the best.”
And I meant it. She single-handedly saved Callen’s publishing house. When it came to that business, she knew what she was doing and loved doing it.
“Good luck with your interview today.” She leaned and kissed my cheek. “You are the best when it comes to nonprofits. Knock their socks off.”
Daniel Carrington reached out to me yesterday morning, asking to meet in regards to my résumé. I was so nervous. After all, I had been out of that field for an extended period, and I was sure there were more qualified candidates.
“Don’t ponder it or question it, Layla.” Livy scolded me. “They will be lucky to get you.”
I gave her a smile and nodded. “Go. Don’t let your car wait,” I reminded her.