I had never been more sure. I wanted her close so I could keep her safe, away from her grandparents, and closer to me. Was it selfish? Fuck, yeah. Did I give a shit? Fuck, no. She would be mine and I was a patient man. I’d wait but one way or the other, we would end up in my bed.
“Yes.” I recalled her attack; the panicked, vacant look in her eyes as she struggled to breathe. “I need a favor though.”
“Accept her résumé?”
“No, for that I want your true concurrence; otherwise, we won’t hire her. I told her she had my vote but needed yours as well.” I could always find something else for Layla if Daniel didn’t like her résumé. We were partners in this, in the true sense of the word. Although I had a feeling he would be onboard once he read her background. “I want one of your guys to dig up history on Layla, anything and everything from the time she was born.”
He scoffed. ”Why? Suspicious?”
“No. I just witnessed her having a panic attack. I want to know what caused it.” I would bet money, Daniel frowned at this very moment, wondering what a pampered princess would have panic attacks about. But Layla didn’t exactly grow up the traditional way; I’d wage my fortune on it. “And the breathing exercise she used to calm herself down, it was one and the same our men were taught.”
The way her face paled and her breathing hitched hard, as if she couldn’t get enough air, hit me straight in the chest. Hell, I’d rather take a bullet in the chest if it’d spare her the pain than see it on her face again.
“You got it. I’ll shoot him a note now.”
“Thanks, buddy.” Another scream in the background.
“Okay, I have to go and play.”
Another scream.
“It certainly sounds like a fun playground. See you later.”
My phone buzzed, and I saw it was my brother.
“Did you find Liberty?”
“Yes.” His answer was clipped. I wasn’t surprised. Since he married Liberty, the man has been obsessed with keeping all his secrets hidden and getting his wife’s love. Not that he would admit that to anyone, including me. Both of them were blind as fuck and couldn’t see what was obvious to everyone else. “Can you watch Brandon tonight? The reception event is tonight.”
“Sure thing.” Hanging out with Brandon would never be a hardship.
If I only knew what a cluster the night would become.
* * *
Brandon wassound asleep and the night had barely gotten started. I headed to Alexander’s office to get some work done. I had frozen all the accounts for the foundation, so no additional funds could be embezzled. Unfortunately, it required Daniel and I to deal with each transaction. Once I skimmed through all the requests and transactions, then ensured disbursements made left the foundation to each families’ bank accounts via a wire transfer so there was no detour of funds, I poured myself a glass of whiskey.
I couldn’t shake Layla off my mind. That panicked expression on her face as memories overwhelmed her; I had seen that look before. On my men, as we faced death. Fuck, I probably had it too. God knew I felt it. Many times while I was in that cursed desert.
“I’m going to die.” His screams would be heard by our enemies from miles away. William’s body shook from the shock of too much blood loss.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” I gritted, my hands furiously working. I ripped the shredded parts of his pant legs. Legs that should be there but were blown off by a landmine. We were ambushed.
The sounds of the machine guns blazed all around us. Yelling and screaming in English and Arabic. We were all dying, stuck on the side of this godforsaken mountain. I glanced around and saw the body of a dead woman, a local, with a hole the size of a basketball in the middle of her abdomen.
I twisted the knot above William’s injury, in a hard, jerky move. There was too much blood, his face was that of a ghost and his body alternated between shaking and being dead still. I wasn’t sure which was worse.
“William, talk to me,” I ordered.
His glazed, vacant eyes shifted to me. I knew, I just knew in the pit of my stomach, he wouldn’t make it. But I couldn’t bear to admit it.
“P-promise,” his voice was weak, “you’ll take care of my family.”
“You are getting out of this alive,” I growled. “We all are. Just hang in there. Chopper is on its way.”
I fucking hoped so. They were supposed to be here thirty minutes ago.
With the surprising strength that gave me hope, his hand grabbed a fistful of my shirt. “Promise!”