“Not at all.” I laughed, although it was a bit strained.

“Could have fooled me.” His eyes locked on a woman dancing along with her friends in the corner. Daniel and I started this club when we got back from our last tour. It turned out to be a hit, and an investment return so good, we opened several more all over England, Scotland, and Ireland. These were one of our more vanilla clubs. “You are all wound tight. Maybe you should find yourself a new girl.”

My hand dragged down my face. Gabrielle and I decided to go our separate ways over ten months ago. She wanted our relationship to progress to the next level and I didn’t. Now that I met Layla, I knew it was the right move. Gabrielle never made my blood burn the way Layla Cambridge did. Not even close.

“Anything to do with that blondie from your brother’s wedding?” Daniel could be too perceptive sometimes. It was annoying as hell. Although sometimes rather useful.


“So what’s the deal?”

“There is no deal. She’s Livy’s best friend and glares at me each time we see each other.”

Except when we sit on the balcony in the dark.I couldn’t help but remember how right it felt just sitting in silence together, knowing she was right there but didn’t need constant words. And the little she shared about herself told me a lot about her.

“Get out. I would think you’d take that as your personal challenge and turn her glares into doting.”

“Shut up, jerk.” Layla would never dote after anyone. She had too much fire in her. If anything, she might let you think she likes you and then drop you the next second because she has had enough of you.Definitely my kind of woman!

“Invite her to the club.” That was the wrong fucking thing to say because imagining Layla in that club with me had my cock turning rock hard.

“She’d say no.” If she couldn’t even have a drink with me in the library, she definitely wouldn't go to a club where people thrived on forbidden pleasures. At Revelation, anything and everything goes. As long as both parties were willing.

Layla on the dark balcony was one thing. Layla in public was completely another. It was as if her bitchy exterior was meant to keep everyone at bay. At a safe distance.

“You don’t know that.”

“Trust me, I do.” I drank down the entire glass of my drink and flagged down a waitress for another one. “She refused to dance or even have a drink in the library with me. She’ll definitely refuse the invitation to Revelation.”

I let the words sink in before I proceeded. “And she’s Henry Cambridge’s granddaughter.”

He straightened up at my last statement. “Do you think she is part of it?”

I frowned, remembering our conversation. My gut feeling was telling me she wasn’t, but I had no proof, except for her words and my gut feeling. However, I did have evidence showing that her grandfather was stealing from the foundation.

“I am not sure,” I told him honestly. “My gut is telling me no.” I let the meaning linger. “Besides, I find it odd that the bastard never has her around. I did some digging, and there isn’t a single event that Layla Cambridge ever attended with her grandparents. As if they are hiding her.”

“That’s kind of odd,” he agreed. “She’s not exactly hiding material. Woman is fucking gorgeous.”

“She’s off limits.” I growled at him like I was a damn dog. I wanted to punch him too.

Daniel laughed unperturbed. “All I meant was that usually people like that are all show offs. And the Caldwells along with the Cambridges move in similar circles. Theoretically, you should have ran into her before her friend married your brother.” He was right. I knew daughters and sons of every influential family in our circles, but I have never seen or much less heard of Layla.

“She studied nonprofit in the States,” I told him, although not sure why. Layla wasn’t part of her grandfather’s embezzlement, I would stake my life on it.

“How is it that she went to college in the States?”

I raised my eyebrow at Daniel. From all the questions to ask me, that was the least important one.

“I guess our education system wasn’t good enough.” How in the fuck should I know why she went to the States to attend college?

“Or maybe her grandparents kept her out of the social arena so she can do their dirty work out of the spotlight?”

“You are a paranoid, motherfucker,” I told him. The logic made sense, but I didn’t want to think Layla was capable of something like that. Although I had a similar thought when I found out about her connection to Henry Cambridge.

If she was, I’d have to deal with it. The image of her sitting on the balcony in the dark, her hair glowing like a halo entered my mind, and I knew for sure I’d protect her. But I’d make her pay… in a different way, with her legs spread open so I could devour her pussy and then fuck her hard.

Daniel chuckled and brought my focus back to our conversation. “I know that look, Maxim Caldwell. Your woman will go through some revelations of her own, soon.” He brought his drink to his lips, a smile around his lips. “And if I had to wager, it will be very soon.”