She chuckled. “Oh, you’ll love it!”
I grabbed six books I wanted to take with me and read possibly before bed, if I manage to sneak out from tonight’s event early.
Lachlan will be burying his cock deep inside you, there will be no time for reading,my mind whispered and my body hummed in anticipation. I would not mind that at all, but I still dragged the books with me.
Two hours later, I was showered and completely ready and fabulous for the ball, as Ainslee put it. She went on to get herself ready and peaking at the clock, I decided I had some time. Lachlan probably had to come up and get ready too so I decided I’d read through the books and wait for him.
It was peculiar how I already made myself a corner in his room. It was on a large windowsill bench right by his desk. The area was big enough to insert another desk there and it had the best view and best light. I sat on it, with my back leaning against the wall and books scattered around. I read and made notes, lost in the imaginary world. My mind was consumed with the story possibilities I could do with the old fashioned selkie legend. It was almost like the old me.
Another hour went by in the blink of an eye. I got up, marking my spot in the book with the first thing I could find, which happened to be Lachlan's cufflink. I glanced at the clock and quickly figured out what time it was in Baltimore and decided to call Elise. It should be roughly her lunch break at John Hopkins.
I dialed her up on my cell as I walked out onto the large balcony that connected the two bedrooms and for the first time I wondered if he put me so close to his bedroom on purpose. I didn’t even sleep in that bed for one night. Should it be alarming how fast things were moving?
“Eve,” her voice sounded panicky. Elise answered on the first ring.
“Hey sis,” I greeted her calmly and immediately realized she’d probably panic since I haven’t called her outside our scheduled time once in the past two months. Before the accident, we used to talk every day. “Everything is good,” I added quickly.
“Are you sure?” She didn’t believe me and I didn’t blame her.
“Yes, I just wanted to hear your voice.” The silence stretched on. It used to be my only reason for calling before… well, before everything happened.
“Are you ok?” I broke the silence. I sat on the balcony floor, without regard to the beautiful dress I was wearing.
“Yes,” her voice sounded choked, even over the phone. “Yes, I was just surprised. What are you doing?”
And just like that, she was my big sister again. Not my mother, not my caretaker, just my big sister.
“I was reading some stuff about Scottish legends.” Her exhale had me pause and then I added. “I wrote up some notes. Are you on the lunch break?”
“Yes,” she replied quickly. “I have an hour so we can talk all you want.”
I smiled. She was the best sister in the world.
“How is your day going so far?” I wanted to hear about her. “How is Brandon?”
“Now that I hear your voice,” she gushed, “ day is just great.” I heard a noise behind me so I quickly glanced back in the bedroom but it was still empty. Her question brought my attention back to my sister. “Brandon is good, we both miss you. How is your job going at McLaren's?”
“Ummm, it’s going,” I answered vaguely. I didn’t want to worry her by adding I had been sleeping with the owner. That sounded worse than what it was.
“You didn’t quit, I hope?” she asked.
“No, sis,” I assured her with a little chuckle. “I didn’t quit. I barely wrote a page so I don’t think it is the right time to quit.”
She squealed into the phone. “Oh my gosh,” her voice got high pitched, and I had to pull it away from my ear. “You are writing again!”
I admired the view stretching in front of me, the serene view echoing the way I felt right now. “No, I wouldn’t exactly say I am writing. More like notes and some words.”
She threw more squeals in. “How? When?”
“It just came,” I told her. “I think it’s this place.”
“Your apartment?” she asked, sounding a bit confused.
“No, I’m not in Edinburgh right now.” I told her.
Ugh, I should have planned the conversation instead of just going on the impulse.
“Where are you?”