Chapter Eleven
Two hours later and an impressive drive through the countryside of Scotland, a beautiful baronial castle came into view.
“Wow,” I muttered impressed. “Such a beautiful castle.” I glanced back to Lachlan who had his eyes focused on the road. “Is it a museum?”
“No,” he responded simply. “It’s a home. That’s where we are staying.”
“Oh.” I couldn’t remember what Ainslee said about the party. I thought she indicated the celebration was at Lachlan's home.
The castle sat on an elevated, little hill, which overlooked the Highlands and a river.
As if he read my thoughts, Lachlan pointed to the river. “That is River Teith and over on the opposite side of the castle is an outlook to Ben Ledi and the Highlands.”
A soft chuckle escaped my lips, the sound almost forgotten. Around Lachlan, laughter was an increasing occurrence. It had been so long since I felt awed by anything, especially nature around me. Lachlan's grey eyes were on me; he must have been wondering what I was chuckling at.
“This place is perfect,” I told him with a small smile, trying to explain my odd reaction. “Exactly the surroundings I’d put in a book.”
“Glad you like it.”
I nodded, staring out the window, trying to soak it all in. The property was large with acres of trees, hedges, and hills on three sides and the River Teith on one side.
“Teith” I muttered to myself, testing the name on my lips. “I like the name.”
“It means quiet and pleasant water,” he commented. “Reminds me of you.”
I glanced back at him in surprise but said nothing back. I wouldn’t exactly call myself pleasant.
The castle became larger and larger as we got closer and soon he pulled in front of the large gate.
We climbed out of his Destroyer and I turned to the wide open view of the Highlands. I had never seen anything like it.
I could stay here forever and die happily,I thought to myself.
I didn’t think happy would ever be in my vocabulary again but seeing this serene and peaceful landscape made me feel exactly that.
The door to the castle opened and an older gentleman welcomed us.
“Welcome,” he greeted us. “Nice to see you again, Master Lachlan.”
“So this is your place?” I asked for confirmation of my earlier thoughts.
“Yes.” His answer was simple. So many people I know would boast if they owned something as magical as this estate.
Colin showed up behind the older gentleman with a wide smile.
“There you are,” he came up to me and hugged me like he’d known me all my life. “How was your drive?”
“Good,” I mumbled, trying to awkwardly return the hug.
He turned to Lachlan. “Guests already started arriving and are in the gardens.”
“Thank you,” Lachlan responded.
I looked down to my simple jeans and a crew neck white shirt with quarter sleeves and then back to Colin who was dressed in a suit. I only packed one simple dress but it would not compare to a suit. I should have probably asked more questions about this event.
Ainslee’s happy squeal reached us and stopped all my thoughts of dress code. I saw her practically running towards us dressed in a beautiful blue gown that matched her eyes almost perfectly.
“You came!” She hugged me like we were best friends. Again, feeling awkward, I patted her on the back, glancing back at Colin and Lachlan.