“Oh,” the answer surprised me. “I guess that makes sense.”
“You disagree?” he asked, a challenge in his eyes.
“No, not at all,” I told him quickly. “I didn’t expect it, that’s all. You were lucky to have seen both your parents and grandparents matched happily. You must miss them.”
“Yes, I miss my parents and my grandmother,” he replied, laughter gone from his voice. “When my mom passed away, it hit my father hard. Same with my grandfather, he continued on without my grandmother living pretty much in seclusion. He still lives alone, in Northern Scotland, rarely taking visitors. He never leaves his little world up there.”
Without thinking, I reached my hand across the table and placed it on his, offering compassion. “I’m so sorry,” I murmured.
His eyes lowered to where my hand covered his and I quickly pulled it, realizing at the same moment it was the first time I reached out to touch a man in a very long time.
“Thank you,” his voice was a groan as his eyes met mine, a hint of a desire in them. I shook my head, sure I misread it.
“What job did you have back in the States?” His question was a surprise, unexpected change of subject.
“I had a contract with a publishing house,” I thought back to my writing. I had been writing for so long, it was a big part of me. When everything spiraled out of control, I couldn’t do it anymore. “I guess Elise was right to make me take a sensible minor.”
I attempted a smile but the words were bitter on my tongue. I was a romance writer with a tragic life, full of betrayal and an unhappy ending.
The food came at that moment, and it was a perfect timing to break the awkward moment.
On the day of the weekly outing with Colin and his crew, which I liked very much, I debated all day whether it was acceptable to invite Lachlan to the rendezvous. I didn’t want to miss our weekly tradition nor Lachlan’s company on my way home but I was worried about asking Colin if I can invite him, unsure why he was never included before.
So proper etiquette out the window, I walked out of my office and ran into Colin and Lizzy.
“Hi there,” I greeted them. I still felt I managed to shock them sometimes by just communicating with them. Like now, when they both looked at me like I cursed at them instead of greeted them, before they got it together.
“Hello, deary,” Lizzy recovered before Colin.
“Would it be rude to invite Lachlan to our rendezvous this afternoon?” I asked, getting straight to point. I knew it would sound weird. I got the sense that Colin wasn’t too happy about Lachlan spending time with me.
Both of them watched me as if debating what the best answer was.
“Sure, you can do that,” Colin answered this time. “He was never interested before though.”
“That’s ok,” I told him. “If he’s not, I’ll still come.”
“Oh, my,” Lizzy was gushing all over. “I think Eve might like us oldies.”
I gave them a small smile. “You are not oldies,” I retorted back. “And yes, I like you all.”
They both gave me a wide smile in reply and I felt warmth towards these people. I went back to my spreadsheets and gathered today’s production results for Lachlan while they went back to whatever they were working on.
At the end of the day, as I walked to Lachlan’s office, Colin and Lizzy were leaving for a happy hour destination, the old style.
“Are you sure you don’t want us to wait for you?” Lizzy asked one more time.
“Yes,” I answered her firmly as they held the elevator, hoping I’d ask them to wait. “If he doesn’t want to come, I’ll meet you there. I’m quite capable of walking to this ice cream shop.”
“We know you are,” Colin interjected and stopped Lizzy who already had her mouth opened to say something.
I nodded and waved them off. A minute later, I knocked on Lachlan’s office door.
“Enter,” his deep voice reached me and I walked in.
I sat the papers down on his desk and he looked up at me.
“Hello,” he greeted me with a smile as I sat down.