Sterling’s demeanor darkened. “What do you mean Feral’s ‘getting shit?’ I know nothing about that.”

Zeke hiked a thumb over his shoulder, gesturing to the council room entrance at the end of the hall. “They started the council meeting an hour ago. Seemed like they were in a hurry to get started without you. Probably because they want to give Feral the boot without having his big brother around to swoop in and save him. Better get in there before they bake his ass.”

“Fuck.” Sterling grasped my hand and moved through the corridor at a speed that had me stumbling after him. When we arrived at the council chamber door, and he reached for the handle, I caught his wrist.

“Wait! Let’s pump the brakes a second, Ster. What the hell did Zeke mean by ‘bake?’”

The priest’s expression went stony, which did nothing to ease the apprehension blooming in my chest. “It’s an old-school punishment the council has favored for centuries. Specifically, for higher-ranking vampires who are found guilty of treason.”

“Treason? How is turning into his fae form and beating Eros up treason?”

“I’ve been fearing this would eventually happen…”

“Wha–what? Ster, you’re freaking me out. What is it?”

“Supernatural creatures turned vampires are very dangerous creatures and are commonly more powerful than vampires who were once human. It’s forbidden to turn a supernatural entity into a vampire. It’s why your father kept it a secret from the council. Now that they know, they’ll likely want to dispose of him.”

“Lexi is a succubus. Why is she in the clear?”

“Alexandra was half-human, half-succubus before she was turned. Besides, sex demons aren’t nearly as dangerous as dark fae.”

“B–but what’s baking?”

“It’s when they use silver chains to bind a vampire outside just before sunrise...”

Horror washed over me, leaving me cold. “It’s an execution.”

The Elders were already against us.

Sterling sent a look right through me, making me shiver. “Whatever happens, don’t let your monster out, Ruby. Promise me.”

Apprehension filled my lungs with barbs, making every breath a chore. “What if things get violent? I’m not going to let them—”

His moonstone eyes flashed. “They won’t lay a finger on you.”

Steeling my nerves, I gave a nod. “Okay. I promise.”

“That’s my queen,” my mate murmured as he ducked to kiss my brow. My eyes drifted shut, and I savored the brush of his skin against mine. I quivered against him when his hand ran over my ass and curved over the back of my thigh just beneath my dress. His fingers were so long that their tips tickled the Latin words he’d written on my thigh in his own blood.

“Remember. No matter what is said, no matter what happens, you aresalus mea. My salvation.”

He pulled away, and I resisted the urge to burrow back into his arms. My stomach felt hollow, and my throat swelled when he opened the door and ushered me inside.

I felt like a lamb going to slaughter. The question was, who was going to be the butcher? I promised Sterling not to bring out my monster, so not me.

But I sure as shit wasn’t going to be the lamb.

Chapter thirty-six

The Same Cloth

Insidethecouncilchamber,the first things I noticed were the six smaller thrones flanking my father’s—three on each side.

Sterling’s chair sat between the only two empty thrones. My father’s on the left and Sharpe’s to the right.

Seeing the sinister throne with its carved woman wearing a necklace of real teeth had my insides clenching, while the sight of Sharpe’s empty seat filled me with nothing but satisfaction.

The other four council chairs were filled with four faces I’d seen once before in this room. I couldn’t remember their names or if they had given them in the first place. Something told me that soon it wouldn’t matter.