“And what do you want to do to me, Julian?”
At the sound of his name, my priest’s eyes simmered with white-hot fire. “Well, I quite enjoyed doing this to you.” He tongued at my clit piercing, a lusty groan slipping from me at the euphoric tug. My eyes popped, and my tongue went slack in my mouth at the heady pleasure shimmering through me. “You liked Eros holding me down while you bit my clit and shoved a piece of metal into it?”
Sterling licked his lips, fangs flashing. “I liked it very much. More than I thought I would. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve gratified myself, Miss Baxter?”
I blinked, taking a moment to realize he was talking about jerking off. I grinned. “How long?”
“Years. For the longest time, sex of any kind was unpleasant for me. For obvious reasons. But when Eros drew on your chest and had you read what he wrote out loud to me…”
“Eros and Sterling’s royal little slut.” I repeated the words in a rasp of a whisper.
“Mmm. That’s right. I quite enjoyed sharing you with our resident sadist. Your reactions to his strategic brutality make me fucking hard. That night, when you were in the basement with Vincent and Eros, I went down to deliver your mother’s Helsing Guide. Sensing you curled between them, I almost invited myself to the mix.”
Three of them at once?I swallowed thickly. “Why didn’t you?”
“It was important that Eros and Vincent make amends.” Sterling’s nostrils flexed, and he took the tip of his tongue, painting a wet kiss around my pierced clit.
“They did.”
I lifted my head to peer at him, a slight gasp slipping from my lips. Nothing compared to the sight of Sterling’s smile framed between the cradle of my thighs.
“I know,” he gritted. “I cantastethem on you.” His tongue dipped inside my core, parting me. I quivered around the invasion, and my claws tangled in his hair. My knees knocked around his ears as he picked up his pace, devouring my pussy like it was the first meal he’d had in weeks.
It felt so real. But the reminder that this was all in his head came slamming back when the surrounding darkness went static, like an old TV, and for a beat, the red walls of his den filled my vision as my eyes flickered open. “I can’t keep up the spell while y–you’re—fuck!While you’re doing that to me!”
He laughed into me, the sound making me surge off the ground, but his hand was on my belly again, pressing me back down.
“Consider this practice, then. I want you to master this magic, love. Stay focused. Because I want to see your face when I feed you my cock.”
Chapter seventeen
Unholy Grail
Shiversrippledupmyspine as Sterling’s tongue delved deeper into my opening, then pulled out suddenly to slather swirling, teasing strokes over my center.
The caress of his tongue was almost too much. The tip of it prodded and licked, circling around the sensitive areas. My priest knew exactly where to aim his focus in order to reduce me to a melting, trembling mess in his hands.
His lips suctioned around my clit, my metal piercing clinking against his fangs. Even as the spell wavered, he didn’t let up. He continued his assault on my swollen flesh, and I concentrated harder, trying my damndest to focus on anything that wasn’t his beautiful mouth and what it was doing to me.
Rolling my head back, I focused my attention on the darkness surrounding us, then sucked in a high keen of a gasp when he suddenly nipped at my labia. “Look at me when I’m tongue-fucking you, Miss Baxter.”
A brutal blush scoured my cheeks, burning red-hot as my gaze crept back to his.
The crazed look in his eyes had my heart stopping cold in my chest, and blistering arousal swept over my thighs.
“I’m looking,” I moaned loudly as I moved my hips, rocking up to meet his mouth while I drowned myself in the quicksilver pools of his irises.
“That’s it, love. Focus on how I feel against you. Surrender to it.” As he spoke, he raked his fangs over the interior of my thigh, hard enough to leave welts. My blood turned hot in my veins beneath the skin he touched, like it was desperate to be inside him and not me.
How was it that this all felt so freaking real? Maybe “real” wasn’t the best way to explain it. It felt too damn good to be anything close to reality. His tongue on my pussy was Heaven, and his fangs prodding at my flesh, Hell.
Divine, exquisite, euphoric torture.
Pulling his mouth off my heat, my eyes widened, and my back arched when he sunk two fingers inside me, spearing me up to his knuckles.
A whimper escaped the corners of my lips as his palm rubbed over my piercing, making it throb and ache. He picked up the pace, working me harder and harder until the surrounding dark flickered again, and the red wallpaper of his den appeared in the cracks where the spell began to come apart.
It didn’t make sense. The more I tried to take my mind off Sterling, the less grip I seemed to have on my magic.