He fumbled for the soap, omitting the loofa to apply the stuff directly over my breasts. His large hands rubbed the suds over every inch of me, slipping, sliding, rubbing my serpentine curves like my body was some kind of lucky charm.
There wasn’t so much as a hairsbreadth on my being left uncharted by Corry Cross.
Reaching for me, he scooped me off the bench and pulled me into his lap on the shower floor, positioning me so that my back was against his chest. I couldn’t continue to give him a hand job at this angle, but with the way his cock came to rest against my opening, something told me it was almost just as pleasing for both of us.
I melted into him as he repositioned us, so his back was propped against the marble wall, facing the glass door that had fogged over in the steam. His chest rose and fell with rapid succession, my head leaning against his shoulder as he gripped the underside of my thighs and hooked my legs over his, spreading me wide open. He massaged my breast, pinching the nipple between his middle and index fingers, and when my spine arched off his chest with a moan, he mirrored the sound I made with his own guttural version.
“You’re so goddamn beautiful. Your shape is perfect. More perfect than anything I’ve ever seen.”
“Yeah, right,” I said with a grunt that was meant to be caustic, but the effect was diminished when he plucked at my nipple again with more zeal. “I’ve seen those stacks of porno mags in your room, Youngblood. I’m no supermodel.”
Moving his hold over my breast, he held my chin and turned my head to force my gaze in front of his. “Are you kidding me? You’ve ruined those for me, babe.”
“Wait. Really?”
“Really. I can’t get hard anymore unless I think about you. Same with Eros.”
My eyes narrowed. “You’re full of shit.”
“It’s true. He told me. We both have to think of you to get a stiffy these days. And it’s easier for him, he’s got your panties to jerk off into.”
“Hold the phone. Panties?” My mind sputtered. Then it came slamming back to me. That night I’d spent with Eros in the basement, he’d ripped my panties off my body and gagged me with them. He must have kept them. I guess it wasn’t too surprising.
The image of Deathwish lying back in his bed, the shredded remains of the lacy fabric clutched in his fist as he wound them around his erection, sent a bolt of fire through my core, making my sex heat.
Corry’s nostrils flexed against my jaw where his nose was pressed. His grated snicker tickled my throat, and in the next moment, he was kissing my jugular where my pulse beat like a war drum. “Oh. You like that. Our little fucked-up princess loves knowing my demented brother beats off into her panties down in the basement where he’s surrounded by his sinister tools. I bet you enjoyed getting tied up, your mouth taped, with that stake in your pussy.”
My heart threw itself against my ribs, and I wheezed. “He told you?”
“Oh, baby doll,” Corry purred. Eros’ nickname for me in the youngblood’s mouth made my pussy throb. “He told me every juicy—and slightly fucked—detail about that night.”
“Do you talk about me with the others, too?”
“Mmm...Well, yeah.” He wound his fingers in my hair, nose pressed against the column of my throat as he inhaled, breathing in the scent of my blood. “Before you came here, we weren’t very close. Vin and I were always around each other, but that’s just because he got saddled with babysitting the youngblood. You bring us closer together, Red. Even Sterling has come out of his shell.”
“Sterling talks about me?” I whispered past the lump in my throat.
“Yes. But he doesn’t talk about the same perverted things as Eros. He talks about your love of books.” Corry’s brows furled in thought. “Oh, and the way you smell.”
“And how is that?”
Corry breathed in against me, this time sliding his nose to my wet hair. “Like sunlight and candy. But Sterling went on some long poetic tangent about it. Which is funny because he’s normally not long-winded about anything. He also asks about your appearance.”
Butterflies swirled in my stomach with this new little glimpse into Sterling’s feelings for me. “Why would he ask about my appearance? He knows what I look like.”
“Sure, he knows your hair and eye color and the dark clothes you like to wear. He can probably summon the image of your face and the rest of your body by the way he’s read you like braille. But he didn’t know about the way you chew your lip when you’re frustrated. Or the sheer look of unadulterated freedom that glitters in your eyes when you’re tearing down the 6A highway as if your sweet pussy was born to straddle the three hundred horsepower of a Ninja HR2.”
My pulse kicked up a notch.
Corry continued, lost in all the little details of me. “He didn’t know how goosebumps prick your arms when he enters the same room as you. Or the way you sometimes stare at Eros’ mouth, as if you’re imagining the cool steel of his piercings on your lips.” He paused to grin maniacally. “Take your pick which set.”
I drew my lip between my teeth, sucking in a sharp breath with it. “You’re pretty observant, you know.”
“I enjoy watching you.” Corry’s brows waggled as he flashed me an ear-to-ear grin. “Do you want to know what you do when I’m around?”
“What do I do?”
He traced my lips with his index finger. “You smile. Big and beautiful. It’s the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen.”