The next moment, Corry’s hands had found their way to the soft globes of my breasts. They fit into his hands perfectly. He gave them a soft squeeze, kneading them with the utmost care. My nipples peaked the moment attention was paid to them, jutting eagerly into the youngblood’s palms.
If only we weren’t in the back of a car. If we found a bed, there’d be room enough to take Corry’s erection into my mouth. But there wasn’t enough space here.
Fantasies of being double-teamed, one male on each end, filled my mind. I began to tremble.
“Fuck, she’s so damn sexy when she shakes like this. You should see her face, Ster. All scrunched up like she can barely take it.”
“Can’t take it?” Eros snorted. “Just wait until you gotta take two of us at once.” His gaze locked with mine through the rearview mirror. “And I’m not talking about fingers and tongues this time, babygirl. Next time you’re under me, I’m fucking that tight ass of yours, and I might be convinced to share your other holes.”
Fucking hell. Eros knew how to dirty talk because it was way more than just talk. He was making me a promise.
“You didn’t finish telling us the story, love,” Sterling said on a silken whisper.
Shit. I could barely think. I was so close, the crux of something warm and wonderful barely within reach. The words were a jumbled blur in my mind, and I had to take deep breaths between every few syllables to keep my crap together as the vampire worked my pussy.
“V–Vin hel–held Sharpe against his body like a...cross. I ripped his ribs apart. P–peeled them back, cracked them.”
“Does anyone else love how violent she is?” Corry licked his lips. “So damn hot.”
I slid Corry a stilted smile, sweat streaming down my temples. I licked my lips and continued. “T–there his heart was, cold and so pathetic looking with nothing to protect it. I staked him, and when the bastard turned to ash, I d–demanded Erik kneel before me.”
“In front of his entire coven?” Corry blinked.
My head dipped with a nod.
“And he did it?”
“I promised to not kill any more of his people if he did. So he got down on one knee, and I told him why he should support me as queen and not Dagon.”
Sterling rose enough for the light shining in from the back windshield to catch his eyes, luminous and glowing bright like a specter in the dark. “You showed him mercy. And you did so with reason, with a level head and courage. That is admirable, Ruby. You are an incredible woman.”
“Not to mention a kick-ass queen.” Corry smirked. He shifted and got up from his seat, repositioning my head, so it came to rest between his legs. Then he stretched out over me, his head pointed toward Sterling as he arched to kiss me...right over my clit.
He sucked the tender bud into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it, lapping and teasing.
I came undone with a scream.
Eros gripped the steering wheel so tight that the cracking of his knuckles was audible over my pleasure-laced enthusiasm.
Sterling pulled from me and held his fingers in front of Corry’s lips. “Taste her,” he urged.
I didn’t have the best view of it, considering Corry’s crotch was right in my face, but I could see his body shift and watched as Sterling’s digits disappeared into his brother’s mouth, and he suckled my essence clean from the priest’s fingers.
Coming down from my orgasm, I could barely keep my eyes open. I felt someone—didn’t know who—pulled my shirt closed. Corry slipped back into his seat, propping me up until he was back in place, and lowered my head to his lap.
“The council will be here in three days,” he said casually as if he hadn’t just made me orgasm with his mouth in a matter of seconds.
“Why so long?” I asked without opening my eyes. “Who knows what Dagon will get up to in three days?”
Sterling made a tutting sound, and I peeled a single eye open to look at him. “Now that Sharpe is disposed of, I am the only Elder in our coven. We have members from New York, San Francisco, Puerto Rico, Seattle, and London. We must give them time to make travel arrangements. Dagon needs you for the ritual, and he wouldn’t dare step into our territory. Not until he comes up with a plan, and that will take time. That gives us three days.”
He drummed his nails on his knee. “Perhaps it’s for the best. That will leave the day after tomorrow free for us to celebrate.”