But nobody so much as batted an eye. Not even Erik. He remained corpse-still in the arms of his mate as I moved the blade of the sword with a precision that astounded me. I carved the letters ‘CCC’ for the Cape Cod Coven into his forehead, just like one of the brands I’d seen in Eros’ den.
Black beads trickled down his scowling face, and the wounds were already beginning to stitch shut.
“My queen.”
I lifted my head to Vincent’s baritone voice, calling out for me. I grinned, knowing that he’d prefer to call me princess, but he was referring to me as my future title to make a point in front of these people.
He now stood in the aisle below the box, with Sharpe in his clutches.
The doctor seemed so small compared to the fae’s titanic frame. His face was swollen where Vin had punched him, and as the vampire sneered at me, there was a gap where one of his fangs had fallen out.
Vincent had his mammoth hands curled around Sharpe’s wrists, stretching him out along his body like he was a cross made of flesh and bone.
Seeing one of the people I loathed most in the entire world hang limp against my mate, ready for his crucifixion, filled me with a wicked euphoria.
“Dagon escaped, my queen. I’ll bring you the coward’s heart. This, I swear. For now, you can take this fucker’s heart as an offering.”
I cast my pointed glare at Erik. “Stay put. I’m not done with you.”
Stepping around the Viking, I approached my mate. He held Sharpe prisoner against his chest, stretched out like a lamb ready for slaughter.
With my new weapon in hand, I tested the sword’s weight.
Sharpe’s one good eye bugged out of his head. “You can’t kill me.”
“Pretty sure I can. And I’m about to. You betrayed us, Doctor. You’re also the asshole who lied to me all those years. Grooming me to be used as your tool to get my coward brother on the throne. Why? Why do you think he’s better than me?”
“He’s male. And he’s powerful.”
“Not powerful enough.” I frowned. “Not where it counts. One more question. Where is my mother?”
The doctor’s face contorted with discomfort, knowing the fate in store for him, no matter his answer. “I don’t know. I don’t even know if she’s alive.”
“You can’t tell me anything?”
“I know nothing.”
“I thought as much. That just means I won’t feel bad for killing you now that you’re completely worthless to me. The only use you have now is to show these people that I’m not to be fucked with.”
I’d imagined this moment a lot since I’d arrived at the BC headquarters.
I thought when the time came for me to kill Sharpe, that I would study his face intently and sear the image of him squirming and begging for me to spare him into my mind. But I found myself not sparing him so much as a second glance. Instead, my gaze wandered to the observation box where Lavinia stood.
The girl was completely void of all emotions. She only gave me the faintest of nods.
Her blessing.
I thought I’d want to drag this shit out. To bleed him to the last drop. Suddenly, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Dagon would get the full treatment in Eros’ den for sure, but with Sharpe...? I just wanted it to be over with so I could go the fuck home. I missed my mates.
Looking him dead in the eye, I stepped close and let the sword clatter to my feet.
Then I slipped both sets of my claws into his ribcage, just below his sternum.
His curdling scream was the sweetest music as his blood splattered everywhere, leaking down my arms and splattering onto my toes. The doctor probably thought I was going for his heart, but when I gripped his ribcage, he whimpered. Sweat poured down his temples.
Okay, so I couldn’t make itthatquick. He didn’t deserve a swift death.
Slowly, painfully, I spread him open. Bones splintered and cracked as I splayed his ribs in opposing directions, one rib at a time.