Vincent’s hands left my shoulders and knotted in my hair. He wrenched my mouth from him, making the wound I’d given him even more ravaged as my fangs were ripped from his flesh. Dark blood wept down his collarbone, his pecs, down the ripple of his abs. It pooled between us, making our dirty, obscene public fuck even more depraved than it was before.

His eyes were almost all black now, with just scorching flecks of red. My pussy went hot, burning with a new kind of heat that had nothing to do with the cock shoved up inside me or the blood of my love that soaked it.

There it was.

His true nature, the monster inside, peeking out at me through his eyes. When he spoke, his voice was half his, half that hellish baritone I’d heard at The Warehouse. “Try harder you vicious bitch! Do you want to survive my claiming? Then tear me up! Prove to me you can survive me, little female.”

“Little female? I am your mate. I am your queen.” I gave him a fang-filled sneer and slapped him across the face. The strike had been powerful enough to snap the neck of any average vampire, but my monstrous lover barely flinched. A slow, devilish smirk curved his lips and his booming cackle filled the theater, making the lighting rattle, the shadows dancing across his face.

“Then how about you fuck me like you’re worthy of being my mate and queen?”

I lifted myself up off his cock just long enough to make him think I might not return, then rammed myself down, and as I did, I raked my dagger-sharp claws down his chest as I went. He howled and moaned and writhed beneath me, the marks black and deep, and I knew his raven tattoos would probably scar some after this. Good. It would warn all others of the power of his bonded mate and that we were strong enough to withstand each other. No others stood a fucking chance.

As I bounced on his dick at a wild pace, I felt him growing, stretching me from the inside. The pain was intoxicating. This was what I wanted, what had filled my darkest dreams. He was expanding, shifting, all while buried balls deep inside me. Pushing me to the brink of my limits.

His scream turned piercing but was guttural all at the same time if that was possible. Two avenues of pain had been blown open like a dam, the torment of mating a female like me, and the pain from shifting, his bones breaking and fusing back together, skin stretching, muscles swelling.

He was changing right before my eyes. I didn’t stop fucking him. No, this was too damn good.

Back in the darkest and loneliest days in my bedroom prison, I’d always fantasized about going to Hell. Because there, it was filled with demons, monsters, and wicked souls who knew how to have a good time.

And the pain…

Pain was something I’d always craved.

I wasn’t really sure why.

Maybe because I wasn’t ever allowed to feel it. With the lie Sharpe and my fake mother had fed me, I had been taught to fear pain.

My princes had taught me to relish it.

And sitting upon my monster’s cock, riding him, shouting his praise, this was the closest to Hell I’d ever get.

It felt amazing.

“Yes, yes!” I threw my head back, the impact of our bodies making every fiber inside me shake and convulse with pure pleasure. My lover gave a growl of a chuckle and gripped my waist. I looked down at where he held me, my eyes practically popping out of my head at what I saw. He was bigger than he’d been at The Warehouse and the factory, easily. One hand encompassed my entire waist, and his fingers were tipped with ebony talons that grazed my skin hard enough to leave angry red welts. It would be so easy for him to crush me with one twist of his fist.

Yet he held me so delicately.

“Look at me, little monster.”

I raised my gaze to meet his, my lust-red eyes locking with pitch-black ones. It was still my Vincent, with his raven tattoos, moving as if they were about to take flight. I reached to touch his strong jaw and wrap a rogue piece of his jet black hair around my finger. This was still the man I knew and loved. But the black veins had almost completely taken over his body, his pale flesh barely there now. He was almost all black, and tiny feathers sprouted from his neck and shoulders. And there werewings!Enormous wings sprouted from his back. They fanned out, their tips stretching beyond the stage, and then curled to wrap around me, blocking me completely from the audience.

“You have awakened my true nature, Ruby Renada. After a decade of slumber and existing only in a small portion under the vampire king’s rule, you have brought me back to life. You are strong. You can take all I have to offer, and you take it with such ferocity, such beauty.”

I purred, leaning into his chest. My fingers stroked his blood-soaked feathers. “Then you will take me as your mate? I will be welcomed by the vampire and the fae?”


“I know how vampires claim one another,” I touched the wound on his neck that was already beginning to stitch shut. “But how do the dark fae seal the mating bond?”

“With a child.”

“That’s why you’ve been so hard up for a kid.”

“That, and it’s the greatest way to honor one’s parents. There is no greater gift to give than continuing the bloodline. Finally, I can honor my father’s memory. It’s all because of you. I swore to protect you once, and now I swear to treasure you always.”

“But I haven’t given you a child yet. And it won’t happen until I take out the implant.”