To make him all mine.

It was as if this new, carnal connection we shared gave Vincent the ability to read my mind because he turned his head to the side, exposing the stretch of his throat to me. His dick pulsated, stretching me wider yet, eager for the inevitable claiming bite.

“Do it. Mark me as yours.”

“Not yet.”

I pulled myself off him, hating how empty and cold I was inside with his absence. But that sensation vanished when I registered the dark and lustful way he looked at me, my mouth a lick away from his cock.

Vincent’s eyes were hooded now with something indiscernible that sent a shiver skipping down my spine.

“Taste us, Princess.” He didn’t have to elaborate on his meaning. His cock shimmered with his pre-cum that beaded the tip of him, along with the sheen of my own arousal. It was more than just our bodily fluids. It was the coalescence of our volatile passion for one another.

Hatred and love.

Pleasure and pain.

I bet it tasted out of this worldintoxicating.

I pursed my lips, pretending to mull it over. “Hmm. Beg for your queen’s mouth, and I’ll consider it.”

The crease between his brows deepened with his scowl, but he didn’t dare voice his frustration. I understood. Not having him inside me was hell for me too.

“Please,” he growled.

I waited another few tense seconds, letting Vin and the crowd above us simmer in the silence.

Then I licked a path on the underside of his shaft, from his tightened balls up to the slit at the top. I made sure to hold his gaze as I lapped up the pebble of pre-cum.

He began hissing what I guessed were blasphemies in his native tongue.

I grinned, my lips stretching against the smooth skin of his erection. I wrapped my hand loosely around the base of him, liking how my claws looked pressed possessively into the flesh of his pelvis. “Whose cock is this, Feral?”

“It’s yours, my queen.”

“Yeah?” I arched a brow. “What if I placed my mark here?” My hand gave a light squeeze at his root to show my meaning.

His breathing stilted, and his eyes went wide. “What?”

“If I take your dick inside my mouth, all the way until the tip fills my throat, and I bite the base of you...” I canted my head to the side, my grin turning wicked. “Would that count as a claiming mark?”

The vampire didn’t respond. But by the thunderstruck look on his face and the hard swallow of his throat, I had my answer.

I took him back into my mouth, making the suction of my lips take their sweet time before settling at his base. I let my fangs knick him just barely. Every muscle in his body wound tight.

My lover’s breathing evened, and his mouth split with a slow, audacious grin. “You won’t do it.”

I popped him from my mouth, challenging him with the defiant fire blazing in my glare. “How are you so sure?”

“You marked Eros on his hand, Sterling on his throat, and I bet you already have a place picked out for Corry.”

“I do,” I answered with a shrug. “So?”

“I’m sure it’s somewhere visible. That way, everyone can see that we belong to you.” He pushed his hips off the mattress, so the head of him nudged lightly against my lips. “But if you still want to give my cock a kiss, I won’t complain.”

I couldn’t hold back my smile. “Shut up and fuck me, Feral.”

He had me flat on my back before the words even left my mouth.