But it wasn’t enough.
“More!” I cried.
Vincent let out a growl that slipped straight inside me, rattling my spine, making me moan and thrash against the sweat-soaked sheets.
Fuck me.
There was something so sinisterly sweet about having a monster between your legs, with teeth that could flay you to shreds, hands that could split you apart, and having them worship your cunt like the most delicate meal instead.
His tongue continued its sloppy assault on my core, pushing me closer and closer to the edge of oblivion with each thunderous beat of my heart. His tongue was heaven inside me, and his fingers stroked my darker place, rubbing his own tongue through my walls. It barely hurt at all. There wasn’t enough pain for him to draw on to bring out that same ferocious form that I’d first seen in the Warehouse. But right now, I couldn’t summon enough wherewithal to care.
I threw my head back against the mattress, and I could see the silhouettes of the audience shifting, touching one another, some of them kissing. The air had been infused with sexual energy. We’d done this. Me and Feral.
It was a new kind of power that filled me with salacious satisfaction.
“Yes—yes, almost there—oh!” My hands flew to my lovers hair, holding on for dear life as this mind-obliterating pressure built inside me.
My toes curled, one foot in the sheets and the other scraping between his shoulder blades. My body shook violently.
Then, he stopped. He pulled his fingers and his tongue from me, sliding me a devilish grin between my spread legs.
The bastard was edging me!
I tried to burrow closer to his mouth, but he held me still as he worked me into a sopping wet mess of need.
“Come out,” he demanded in the deepest of rumbling baritones, his lips parting on my sex.
Gooseflesh erupted over my whole body, not just from the way his voice shook me down to my soul, but the fact that he could speak at all.
What did he mean, come out?
Before I could ask, he dove back down between my legs, this time using both hands to spread my lips as he feasted on my sex.
My breathy gasps swept across the stage and filled the theater. “Yes! Almost there!”
My climax was just within reach, practically there. Sweet fucking relief. I’d never wanted anything more, never needed anything more. He knew it too, by the arousal making a mess on his face, the way my hips bucked against him, how my pathetic pleas went shrill with the assault of his mouth.
He sucked the engorged nub of my clit into his mouth and just as I was about to come undone, he pulled away from me and dropped me onto the bed.
“No!” This time, I screamed my frustration. Lurching to my knees, I pounded my fists against Vincent’s chest.
Something snapped behind the prince’s eyes. He blinked and shook his head, as if trying to shake out of a daydream. Then he fisted my hair, and gave my head a firm yank, anchoring my head back so the milky flesh of my throat stretched taut. His gaze slithered slowly over the curve of my throat and leered at me in an all too familiar way. A way that was all Vincent.
My bare chest rose and fell sharply with my uneven breathing. “Vin?”
“Princess,” he cooed.
“You did it. You broke free.”
He stroked my jaw—still coated in my own juices—with the tip of his finger. “We’re still trapped in this freak show, Little Monster. We need pain to draw out my fae side. And I refuse to hurt you. I took what I had to so I could break free of Dagon’s magic, but the amount of pain I’d need to inflict to fuel the full force of my monster...” He paused, taking a shaky breath. “I can’t do it. Eros gets off on pain. I don’t. It’s just a sad fact of my true nature that I need it to fuel my stronger fae forms. I could probably shift into a raven right now, but that won’t do us any good.”
Vin’s voice trailed off. He looked up, past the audience that watched us in riveted silence. I followed his line of sight to the ceiling and understood why Lavinia had referred to it as the dome room. The ceiling was topped with a glass dome.
The vampire’s brows knitted together. “I have an idea. I can’t hurt you. But you can hurt me.”
“How? I’m not strong enough.”