It would have to be one big-ass cake.

After all, if Dagon cared about me one bit, he wouldn’t have let me rot in Quincy. He’d only instructed Sharpe to have me freed once my father was dead so he could spill my blood, triggering his plan of murdering all the other heirs to the throne within the parameters of vampire law.

All that aside, he was still my best shot at finally getting some questions answered. So for now, I’d have to play nice.

“We have different mothers?”

Dagon arched a brow at me, his face taking on an irate expression. “Obviously,” he spat. “I descended from a powerful Salem witch. You, on the other hand, are the unwanted spawn of a human slut.”

My heart slammed against my ribs, making my entire chest ache. “W–what do you mean?”

With my pulse in my mouth, I watched as the vampire retreated to the couch and collapsed into its cushions. His attention trailed back to the TV. A sick smile split his thin lips. He was getting too much satisfaction from watching me get fucked on-screen.

This man—no, thismonsterwas the definition of despicable.

I didn’t have any clue how familial bonds worked, but I was coming to learn pretty damn quick that the saying about blood being thicker than water?Pft. All bullshit, or so was the case in the fucked-up Knight family.

How could he just sit there, watching his own sister get fingered bytwomen, as if he was catching the news or a commercial?

Not to mention how he so nonchalantly dropped the bomb that I was...God. I could barely even think it.

“You’re a child of rape,” Dagon tossed out with a casualness that sent a violent wave of nausea sweeping through my guts. He slid me a mocking grin. “That’s what you are. An accident. A testament to your mother’s failure.”

This kind of dynamic between siblings was something I’d seen in movies and shows before, where the older brother was mean to his little sister.

But holy shit.

My older brother was taking his animosity to a whole new level of messed up.

Then again, did I expect anything different?

For a moment, my vision failed me. All I could see was red. All I could feel was the liquid ire that raged through my body, consuming my whole being as fast as wildfire.

My father was a rapist. That wasn’t fresh news. But I had held onto the hope that maybe my parents had some sort of affection for one another, even if just a little. After hearing Sterling’s tale of how he’d been turned into a vampire, it was clear Thomas Knight was capable of some level of love. Why else would the vampire king bother with a bloody path of revenge after the monk in Sterling’s monastery had slain his mate?

“Explain what you mean by ‘testament’ to my mom’s failure?”

“She was a murderous bitch,” Dagon answered flippantly.

“What do you mean by murderous?”

“She was a trained warrior.”

A warrior? Jeez, what a thought. It was a far cry from my fake mom back in Quincy, whose greatest adventures outside the house were to the grocery store and bible study.

Dagon’s eyes drilled into me with dark mirth. “My, my. So all isn’t as happy in your little harem as it would appear. Interesting.” He licked his sneering lips. “I’d gotten the impression that you’re close to our adopted brothers, yet they didn’t tell you about your own mother?”

“They said they knew nothing about her.”

“They lied. There wasn’t a single supernatural alive at the time who didn’t know of Sapphire Lockheart.”

Sapphire Lockheart.

Even though the true name of my birth mother came to me first from the slick tongue that I would like no better than to rip out with my own bare hands, it lifted a weight from my chest. This precious nugget of information felt like a gift, even if it hadn’t been intended as one. It was a little treasure I’d hold safe and close.

Taking a deep breath, I steeled my nerves for my next question.

“Who is Sapphire Lockhart?”