“You killed some of my best men.” His voice came out calm,toocalm. An icy claw raked down my back, making me shiver. His placid demeanor didn’t fool me for a second. Here I was, trapped in a small space with one of the most notorious rebel vampires in existence. And he was right. I had murdered a good handful of his men.
By the cruel glint in the coven leader’s eye and the way he licked his lips as he glared at me, I was all too aware of the punishment he wished he could inflict.
It made me sick to my stomach, especially knowing that I probably wasn’t strong enough to fight him off. My only saving grace was the fact that if he dared touch me, his head would be on the chopping block alongside my princes’ once they resurrected my father.
I forced a terse smirk. “I hate to tell you this, but if your ‘best men’ are so easily killed by a mortal, maybe your coven isn’t cut out to be on top.”
The tendons in the vampire’s neck strained against the collar of his white shirt. He pressed a button, and the elevator whirred as it hoisted us up through the skyscraper.
“I’m going to enjoy watching that hybrid monstrosity tear your cunt apart.”
My heart stalled at Erik’s words. Was he talking about Vincent?
An invisible fist squeezed my lungs, causing all the air to rush out of my lungs on a sharp exhale. “What?”
“I’ll say this. Feral made a big mistake not using the privacy we provided to properly claim you. In order to ensure the old king’s wrath, his progeny’s mating marks must serve as proof of your sins.”
“Privacy? Is that what you call watching us on camera?”
“It was private compared to what you’ve pushed us to do next, Princess.”
My stomach twisted into knots. I didn’t like the suggestiveness in Erik’s tone, or how his words slithered over my body, making me feel oily. I pulled the blanket tighter around me.
“Where are we going?”
Erik said nothing. He didn’t have to. By the wicked expression that etched his hard features, I knew it wouldn’t bode well for me.
Finally, the elevator came to a stop, and the doors opened with a crisp ding. Stepping into the hallway, I found this entire floor of the BC headquarters incredibly sterile. It was nothing like the Cape Coven, where our home was old and warm and dark. Here, everything was stark and cold, filled with too much glass and metal.
Then the twinkling Boston skyline caught my eye. A gasp ripped from me, and I hurried toward the window.
So damn high. This had to be one of the top floors. We towered over the city, making all the other buildings look like miniatures.
I’d seen nothing like it before.
And the craziest thing of all? The sun sat high in the sky. Daytime.
“Laminated glass,” Erik said, looking smug as fuck. “It blocks ninety-nine percent of ultraviolet light. Impressive, no? Most covens remain in the dark ages while we have modernized. We can be up at all hours if we wish. The sun no longer rules us.”
Before I had a chance to say anything else, he opened a nearby door and shoved me inside.
The room reminded me of a fancy hotel suite that only the stupid rich bothered with, decorated with little love but nice enough to appeal to the upper-class.
A black leather couch sat in the center of the room. A man sat on it with his back to me, his attention fixed to the giant flat-screen mounted on the wall.
My insides turned to ash when I saw what held this new male’s attention captive.
It was the black and white footage of our prison cell from last night. Naked and sandwiched between Vincent and Eros, there I was, making my big-screen debut as I took it from both sides. Loving every depraved second of it.
Caught up in the moment, I hadn’t given two shits if anyone was watching. Maybe there was some truth to Erik’s words. Could I be an exhibitionist? It was possible. A viewing party of my impromptu prison sex tape with some random Boston vamp was not exactly my idea of a good time, but I would take this over any of the dark scenarios my mind had brewed during the elevator ride.
“So what do you want, asshole? An autograph? Director’s commentary? Whatever you want, let’s get this the fuck over with.”
I marched around the couch to face the man.