Strong arms caught me, and in the next breath, Vincent’s intense gaze leveled with mine. Concern etched the grooves at the corners of his eyes. “Ruby—”
“I’m fine,” I argued, cutting him off before he once again insisted I get some rest. It’s not like I could sleep, not with this infernal heat simmering low in my belly, an itch that only a man or a damn good vibrator could scratch. Currently, I had an abundance of the former, so I’d be damned if I was going to let it go to waste.
“What I need is for you to touch me.” I knew Vincent Feral wouldn’t claim me here. He had already made his position on that clear. He was afraid that he’d lose control of his shifting abilities, and although the thought of him going all berserk and unhinged while he was inside me sent a twisted thrill slamming through my veins, I understood his concern. That didn’t mean he couldn’t sate this desperate lust by other means.
The Feral King brushed a few wild strands of my cherry red hair from my face and looked at me with an expression that seemed to be equal parts hunger and hesitation.
“Are you sure?” he asked in a guttural whisper that touched me in all the places I was desperate to take him.
Vincent stared at me for one long beat that felt like it lasted forever, debating. He chewed his bottom lip. Then his brow furrowed, and shadows filled his eyes when he jerked his attention up at his brother.
“Hold her open.”
No sooner than the command was out of Vincent’s mouth, Eros’ arms thrust through the bars and swooped beneath my legs. My heart slammed against my ribs as my feet lifted off the ground. Eros opened his arms, my thighs prying apart as my body came to rest on the shelf his forearms created. A cry of surprise left me, turning to a whimper as Vincent—whose face was now level with my open center—dove forward and clamped his mouth down over my wet heat.
My hands bolted over my head and grasped the bars to keep myself upright. With the position I was in, with Eros propping me open through the cell bars, I had to grip the steel over my head to keep myself braced and upright as I took the assault from Vincent’s tongue.
“Fuck, the shit I’d give to swap places with you, Feral. Not that the view back here is anything to sniff at.” Eros pressed a torrent of kisses to the valley between my shoulder blades, my mating mark, my throat. I trembled when his lip piercings grazed my ear. “Do you see how he’s looking at you, doll? I can only imagine how wet and dripping your pretty little pussy must be for him to wear that kind of stupid grin.”
I looked down, and sure enough, Vincent was wearing a heart-melting smirk unlike any I’d seen on him before, one that was as arrogant as it was proud for reducing me to a state of total putty. He placed his hands on the crux of my thighs, spreading my opening wider yet for him as he feasted on my flesh like a starving animal. My feral knight licked and sucked and even nipped my delicate parts like I was the most decadent thing he’d ever had the pleasure of tasting.
“Oh!” I shuddered and turned my head to the side. My eyes squeezed shut from the surge of bliss that lit up my nerves.
Eros’ fingers dug into the flesh of my inner knee as he bent to the side to look at me. “Open your eyes. Watch him eat your pussy. See the power you have over him? How the Feral Fucking King is worshiping your cunt, like it’s the pinnacle of his entire universe?”
I forced my eyes open to discover that Eros’ heated whispers in my ear were way more than just embellished dirty talk.
Vincent poured every damn bit of himself into his task. Sweat trickled down his temple, and his brows scrunched together in intent concentration. When he glanced up through the sweaty strands of his black hair, our eyes locked. The tender way he looked at me reminded me that this brutal creature wasn’t all sharp edges.
We were still in that little bubble where we had shed our armor, and I saw the person behind all the scars and the pain of the past.
There he was. The man I loved.
It was rare I got to see him like this. The fact that we’d pulled Eros into this moment with us made it all the sweeter. The energy between the three of us suddenly shifted, exploding into something frantic and wild. It was as if both my guys could sense my climax that loomed over our heads like a storm about to break.
Vincent ducked his head lower, his tongue tracing teasing paths around my entrance, dancing closer and closer to the moment of penetration. I bucked against his mouth, my hips mimicking the thrusting sensation I was desperate for.
“Well, what do you know, Feral?” Eros rasped beside my ear. “Looks like your mouth is good for something, after all.”
Vincent growled at his brother, which grated over my delicate parts, making me writhe against the cold bars of the prison cell.
“Fuck, yes,” Deathwish continued with a dark chuckle stirring the hot air. “She makes me so damn hard when she squirms like this. I hope she screams when she falls apart. Squeeze her tits. She likes it when you do that.”
Vincent ripped his mouth from my sex to snarl at the other vampire, his rush of breath feathering over my nipples, making them pebble. “I don’t need you to coach me on how to fuck our girl.”
A chill bolted down my sweat-soaked back, settling low in my core. I couldn’t help but moan my pleasure at hearing him call me theirs.
Not his.
Even though Vin had snapped at Eros, he still took the cue from the other vampire and reached to knead one of my breasts in his palm before returning his mouth to my pussy. An embarrassing groan fell from me when he clamped his lips over my clit and sucked. The sensation was so overwhelming; I was so close to succumbing to the waves of pleasure threatening to drown me.
This wasn’t the first time I’d been trapped beneath the Feral King like this, spread and at his mercy. But the night in the throne room had been completely different. Then, he had acted like he had something to prove. His mouth had gone to war on my body, and now he was making love to it.
Completely transfixed, I watched his head framed so perfectly between my thighs as he lavished me with raw kiss after raw kiss.