“She was,” Vin endorsed with a bob of his head. “Now, it’s still your birthday, Princess. I wonder what Deathwish got you?”
Chapter forty-nine
Favorite Games
MyattentionjerkedtoDeathwish. “I don’t want you to think I expect presents. If you didn’t get me anything, it’s totally fine. I’m just excited about Vin’s thing because I know it’s there.” I shot the fae a withering glare. “And he’s being a big fat tease about it.”
Eros leaned forward and grabbed me, pulling my ass into the valley his spread thighs created, my shoulder blades resting against his tatted chest. “Of course I got you something. Two things, actually. Three, if you count this.”
His fingers gently cradled the back of my neck, which was a pleasant counterbalance to the way his mouth claimed mine in a ravenous kiss that left my head whirling. His fangs nipped at me, causing my lips to part with a breathy gasp. His tongue slipped into my mouth as his hand squeezed my breast, his fingertips rubbing my pierced nipple through Sterling’s sweater.
The kiss turned me to putty, my chest heaving from the air he’d stolen. He broke the connection suddenly, sweeping me into Vincent’s lap and getting off the bed. He moved to his victrola player and crouched to dig through the milk crates stuffed with old vinyl records. “It’s in here somewhere.”
Still a bit stunned from the kiss, I scrambled upright in Vin’s lap where Eros had dumped me. Seconds later, the sadist let out a satisfied ”hmph,here it is,” and put the record on. The crackle of the vinyl filled the air and the Ramones’ “I Wanna Be Sedated” started playing.
I bolted upright, beaming. “I love this song!”
He handed me the album, grinning like a madman. Not only was it the best album from my favorite punk band, but it was also signed.
“Holy shit! How did you know this would be the world’s best present?” I gushed, clutching it to my chest.
The vampire combed a hand through his hair almost looking abashed, if it was possible for a man nicknamed Deathwish to feel such a thing. “I knew you like the band. Plus, you’re punk as fuck, and they basically gave birth to that shit. I used to collect autographed records, and I had this lying around.”
“But it’s yours. It’s a part of your collection.”
“Well, I was going to suggest we rustle up a record player for your room, but if it makes you feel better to keep everything together, I won’t complain if you want to come down here anytime you want to give it a listen.”
He pecked a brief but scorching kiss to my brow, perching on the mattress while Vincent held me in his lap. “I have one more thing for you, but...” Eros launched a pointed look at Vin, then trailed his attention to the door that led to his den. “It’s a toy for the torture room. Well, it’s more for me than for you. But I think you’ll like it.”
A tool that belonged in Eros’ torture den that was more for him than me? I hummed in approval. “I want to see.”
“It’s something I wanted to show you later, during our next play session.”
I waggled my brows at him, laughing. “Sounds fun. When do we get to do it?”
“Maybe tomorrow, when we have a full day to play. Only if Feral’s up for it, since it’s his day too. Maybe we can...?”
I was on the edge of my damn seat—or rather, on the edge of Feral’s lap—driven mad with the need to know exactly what Eros was suggesting. I almost cried in frustration when Feral nodded in understanding, not needing Eros to finish the sentence. From the feel of Vin’s steel-hard dick plastered against my ass, it was a safe bet to assume it would be a naked activity involving the three of us.
Both sets of my cheeks flushed with fire as I looked between them, finding myself pinned between their devious red eyes roaming my body. “On second thought, I’m not super sure I want to get caught up in your guys’ new, er, friendship. Maybe you two should just go skipping off into the sunset together without me. Or play video games. Or a jigsaw puzzle or some shit. Fuck, whatever gets you off, so long as it’s not me. I’m not sure I’d survive...”
I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth, chewing on my smirk. Obviously, I was full of shit, and they knew it. I moved to scramble out of Vin’s lap but he brought his weight down, immobilizing me between the mattress and his few hundred pounds of brawn.
Eros lay next to him, his demonic eyes full of heat. “You’re a horrible liar, doll. If Feral and I are going to play nice, it’s because we’re playing withyou.” He ran his lips down the edge of my jawline, and I quivered when one of his fangs scraped my skin, making him laugh. “You’re our favorite game, after all.”
Excitement trilled through me at the thought of taking both of them. Sure, I was still upset with Vin, but I was also still in the heat state, and my vagina didn’t care about the grudges my heart held. Ever since that night in the cell, I couldn’t get the fantasy of taking both of them at once out of my head.
“Yeah. Tomorrow we’ll let our princess in on the rules and see if she’s brave enough to play our game.” Vincent pushed his nose into the juncture of my neck and shoulder. The neckline of this particular sweater of Sterling’s was V-cut, which left Eros’ mark exposed to Vin’s nuzzling. I choked on a gasp when he swiped his tongue over it, making my body explode with goosebumps.
Eros brought his palm to his mouth and brushed his tongue over the scar of my mating mark. I gasped again, spine arching off the bed when the patch on my shoulder burned with the most delicious fire.
The mating bond was some serious business, especially with an additional person thrown into the mix.
I wanted more.
But between Eros and Sterling’s metal-filled love-making, Vincent crashing the party, Sterling almost dying, and my inner powers bursting out of me to kick some fae ass, I was wiped.
Kinky, hot make-up sex just wasn’t on the menu tonight, considering I could barely lift my head.