“She’s gonna move, so help me hold her down. As much as I’d like a third hole down here to fuck, I don’t think she’s gonna like it much if I miss.”

My heart slammed into my lungs when Eros’ rubber-clad fingers went for the forceps.

“Wait, what are you—oh!” Sterling sat down on my legs, keeping me firmly plastered to his bed while his fingers pinched the skin of my folds and splayed them open for Eros. On the next butchered breath I took, the forceps’ pincers found my clit.

The nip of steel teeth pulling at my post-climax clitoris should have been nothing but torture. And not the fun kind. It hurt like a bitch, but that sinfully lecherous pain was so wrong it felt right.

Using the hand that he wasn’t using to hold the forceps, Deathwish patted my thigh with a soothing ”shh” like I was some cow about to be tagged.

“I’m going to make it hurt so good for you, babygirl. And if you don’t want my metal here, just ask for mercy, and I won’t do it.”

As depraved and pervertedly vile as he could be, my sweet sadist was still checking in with me. I didn’t have to do this. Neither of them would force me to do anything I didn’t want. Eros would have let me slip into hibernation to recover from my severed connection with Vincent if that’s what I’d wanted. But getting over Vin by conking out into a depression sleep wasn’t my style. Waking my monster and forcing her to get over this loss with a clit piercing and rough fucking from her other mates?

That was more our speed.

“I don’t need your mercy,” I sneered. “I need to feel you.”

“You’ll feel this alright, baby. This is gonna heal within the night, where it would take at least a few weeks for any normal mortal. But it’s still gonna smart for the next hour or two.” He extracted a third barbell from the plastic case. When he didn’t take up the needle, the hairs on my nape stood.

“You make the bite, Ster. If I bite her there, I don’t think I’ll be able to keep myself from feeding. Besides, your fangs are sharper than mine.”

An evil amount of arousal sent a series of pleasure-laced moans tumbling from my lips.

I knew my reaction pleased Eros by the way his erection jabbed at my navel through his camo pants.

“Fuckin’ Christ, I love how our little masochist craves being filled, whether it’s with metal, fangs, or dick.”

The forceps kept my sensitive flesh pulled taut as Sterling resumed his place between the crux of my thighs.

He was going to do it.

His tongue swept over my aching pearl, feeling me out first. His fingers sunk back inside my heat, intent on dulling the pain with his plunder. He didn’t leave me in the grip of anticipation for long. With a growl that tickled my sex, he bit down on the nub of flesh.

I screamed and bucked off the mattress, throwing Eros from my body. The forceps slipped off my slickness, and Sterling took all of me into his mouth, sucking the blood from the wound.

The younger vampire scrambled onto his knees but didn’t mount me again. Maybe he caught the look in my eyes as they fixed on the gorgeous and terrifying male crouched between my spread legs.

The ancient vampire tore his mouth from me for just a moment, long enough to strike fire through me with his cool, sightless stare. His lips were coated in red. He looked so wickedly angelic with his pale, perfect features stained in the startling hue of my ruby red blood.

Returning his mouth to my center, he feasted on the mixture of blood and arousal like a starved beast.

“Oh.Sterling.” My mate’s name in my mouth was as much praise as it was a plea for more.

Sublime torment. That’s what Sterling’s mouth on my core was.




The male drank me down like it was a life and death matter at hand. This was exactly what Eros feared would happen should he have been the one to bite me. Deathwish didn’t try to stop his brother. He stared in quiet awe, just as transfixed as me as the blind priest took his delights on my most intimate parts.

The next few seconds that passed were fraught with a potent tension.

Had Sterling finally lost his control? If he had, I wasn’t sure I had the willpower to pry myself from him. His mouth felt too perfect with the way his fangs teased my flesh and lapped at the wound he’d made as if he was trying to lick it better, all while greedily sucking down my life essence.

My chest collapsed with the breath I’d been holding when he finally tore his mouth from my sex, blood and feminine juices streaking down his chin. His pale red eyes sliced through his mess of snowy hair as they wandered to the other vampire.