Good start? Bloody hell, is that what we were going to call Sterling’s masterful skill with the vibrator? He’d never held one before, but he knew his way around the female body, finding my clit the second the gentle tremors of the toy made contact with my sex. A high keen tumbled from his lips as his other hand glided over my leg, through pubic hair, and curved around to palm my ass. “The things I’d give to see her face as she writhes and tremors while we use her.”
Eros grunted in response to his brother as he moved the forceps to my other nipple, plucking at it with the steel tool. He placed the dots on my flesh with the sharpie, marking the place he was preparing to pierce.
“She’s so pretty when she’s getting fucked. Her face screws up like she’s in pain, but those sexy little whimpers betray the fact that she loves to be stretched and owned by her mates. Don’t you, doll? You love surrendering your control, because it takes a powerful vampire to keep it contained,” Eros crooned around the sharpie cap in his lips. “Isn’t that right?”
I gave a hasty, lust-drunk nod.
“That’s right, baby, I know you do. You’re our good girl, aren’t you?”
The salacious plot brewing behind Eros’ eyes held me prisoner in their rapture, distracting me from Sterling as he selected a different toy, which one I wasn’t sure. I felt him hold it against my entrance. I bit back a warbled moan when he turned it on and pressed the tip into my opening, its girth sliding easily through my slick walls.
“She’s already so wet.” The bed shifted as the sullied priest hunched to plant a kiss on the exterior of my labia. Then he shoved it deeper, the swell in the middle of the vibrator stretching my entrance wider, making me pant and shake with the unfamiliar sensation. “Hmm, she likes the one with the bulge in the middle.”
Eros’ sinister grin turned manic. “It’s called a knot. Certain monsters of Fairie have them, usually the more animalistic ones, like minotaurs and certain breeds of ogres and werewolves. If Feral ever gets out of the doghouse, maybe he can shift his dick into something of the kind.”
My pulse exploded, and the scent curling up from my thighs was so strong even I could smell it.
“Oh, youlikethat, don’t you? You’re such a fucking slut for your mates, aren’t you?”
My moan of pleasure turned to a sharp inhale when Eros placed the sharpie tip to my chest, all while keeping my nipple pulled taught by the forceps.
He’s writing something on me.
My breathing turned erratic as I dropped my attention to my chest, reading the message he scrawled out on my flesh.
“Read it aloud, so my brother knows what you are,” the sadist ordered, spitting out the sharpie cap to leer at my flesh that served as his canvas as he scrawled out his message, a wild twinkle in his eyes.
“Eros and Sterling’s royal little slut,” I sounded out.
“Too bad Ster can’t read this for himself, huh, babygirl? Or maybe I should pierce it into your body so he can read it like braille.”
His malevolent cackle tore down my spine, making my body tremor violently in ecstasy.
“You wrote on her body?” Sterling snapped, his voice etched with mild annoyance.
“Yup. She needs to remember who she belongs to. She may wear a crown in public, but she’ll wear us in private.”
“She’s getting wetter,” Sterling muttered as he glided the toy out and slipped it back in with ease. “She’s fairly responsive considering she’s still not free of the sleep-state. Number, love?”
I wheezed a shuddering, “Six.”
“And I haven’t even started making my own holes yet,” Eros laughed, picking up a thick needle with a cruel point.
“Describe her,” Sterling said from behind Eros’ back. His voice had lost its velvety touch and was all gravel and guttural rasps.
Eros twisted to glance over his shoulder. “Prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen. Especially when it takes a monster cock. Like her cunt was made for mating monsters. Yet it’s soft and delicate, like a mortal’s. Pink and swollen and drenched.”
The atmosphere in the tower had grown sweltering and frantic despite the pleasant breeze that washed through the window and the cool tune of the piano composition pouring from the record player.
Withdrawing the toy from my body, Sterling tossed it away and plunged his fingers into my needy core. I arched off my pillow, crying out in a mixture of shock and pleasure when his fingertips curled. Stars filled my vision. “Oh my God.”
“God doesn’t grace this house, Miss Baxter,” the desecrated priest muttered behind Eros, the impious grin evident in his voice. “If you scream anyone’s name, it should be ours. Now, give me your number, love. And know if it’s anything below a ten, you’ll have to forgive me later for what I’m about to let Eros do to you.”
“It’s…” My mind blanched and my breathing sputtered for a second. “S-seven.”
Chapter forty-four
The Monster's Return