“I didn’t invite you here for a dick measuring contest. I’m not saying with absolute certainty that I can overpower her either, should she grow too unruly. But I have a better chance than you.”

Eros’ tongue made a tantalizing and teasing swipe over the corner of his mouth and down his lower lip to toy with his snake bites. “Maybe we should tie her down?”

At that, my breath went short and ragged. The idea of being strapped to Sterling’s bed while he and his brother performed some mysterious act on my body made me throb with desire. Eros’ nostrils twitched, and even from here, I could make out the way his pupils blew up, shrinking his irises into thin rings of red.

“Fuck, you smell that? She likes that idea.”

Sterling’s lurid orbs swiveled in my direction with the deliberateness and pace of a descending storm, and just as tumultuous. “Yes. Bind her.”

Eros strode for the bed, eating me up with his wolfish stare. He was still shirtless, his muscular body looking so damn perfect in its intimidating presence. “Alright. You know the drill, doll. At any point you want us to stop, you scream for mercy. Understand?”

My chin dipped with a dazed nod.

“We’re gonna tie you down because our little queen is still a bit unpredictable. We like it when she bites, but we want to keep the bloodshed to a minimum. Now be a good girl, lay down, and raise your hands over your head.”

I did as he asked, watching with tremulous breath as he set the black case down on a stack of books and strained my neck to peek inside.

The depraved prince chuckled as he extracted a thick chain with a padlock. “I think if you lose control, you’ll probably snap this shit like dental floss, but it might buy Ster and me time to get out of dick-ripping range.”

I swallowed, trying to steady my rioting pulse as he wound the metal links around my wrists with the speed and technique that implied he did this on a semi-frequent basis. Securing the chain to the headboard with the click of the padlock, he gave it a testing jiggle before going back to the case to extract a pair of black nitrile gloves.

My pulse shot up another notch with the snap of the rubber. It was seriously messed up that the sound turned me on.

“What are you going to do to me?”

“I’m going to mark your body up, beautiful.”

A thrill of shock and excitement shot through my limbs, making me tingle.

“Fuck me, you scent that, Ster?” the vampire groaned as his leering red eyes made a languid descent down the length of my bare body. You’d think he was seeing the face of God by the way his gaze widened as it danced over my curves, swathed in strips of moonlight and shadows from his own brawny form.

He reached to touch me, his rubber-encased fingers grazing the scar on my shoulder. “Like our queen is calling to us even when she’s half-asleep. Kind of kinky, if you think about it.”

Eros’ cadence dropped to a hell-deep hum as his fingers traced the puckered flesh of Corry’s bite, twin dots declaring his sins over my heart.

“Well, well. Looks like you and our youngblood had some fun last night. About time. Good spot too. Nice and pretty, right over the heart.”

Eros jerked his head in his brother’s direction, who was on the other side of the room, putting on some music. “When you mark her, where you gonna do it, Ster?”

Jesus. I didn’t even know what these two had in store for me, and I was already shaking with anticipation. They hadn’t even gotten started, and the thing inside me was already coming to life with freshly kindled interest.

“Her throat,” the priest said without turning around as he dug through a dusty collection of records. “Yours and Corry’s mating marks are hidden for the most part. But I want mine visible at all times.”

Tangible heat licked at my thighs. I clamped them together to trap the warmth that seeped into my apex where I craved them the most.

Eros stroked the curve of my throat with a smoky growl of approval. “Fuckin’ hell, Ster. That’s about as subtle as slapping a collar on her. What do you think of that, baby doll? You like the idea of Sterling owning your throat, don’t you? The throat is serious business for our kind. Marking you there is basically the equivalent to human betrothal. Think of it similar to a ring. Only it lasts forever.”

A slight simpering purr leaked from a place deep within me. It was a sound I’d never made before, but something instinctual told me it was a primal call to lure a mate to my thighs. This was confirmed when Eros’ expression screwed into something predatorial.

“Hear that, Ster? She’s waking up. I can feel the power, hear her, scent her. No wonder Feral calls her little monster. Half of the strongest human and half of the strongest vampire to ever live.” His grip tightened on my breast, giving it a possessive tweak. The chains clanked as I released another animalistic purr. “I can practically feel the violence rolling off her. It’s almost as strong as the scent coming from that functional womb of hers. I say we remove the IUD, Ster. Her tits would get all heavy and her belly would plump up. Can you picture it?”

When Sterling turned, the tent of his sweatpants made it very obvious just how much he approved of Eros’ obscene narrative. “Having a pregnant mate is something I’ve imagined countless times.”

There was a quality to the eldest prince’s words that plucked at my heartstrings. Of course he’d imagined a pregnant mate. He’d had that once before it was stolen from him.

“Then let’s do it. How’s that sound, doll? I think you’d like it if we just ripped it out right now, hmm? I’ll make it fast. The wound will heal within the minute…” His hand skimmed over my navel to the patch of blonde pubic hair below. “Then we can see about filling our queen with a little prince.” His gloved fingers began to curl, cupping my sex.

Before he could slip past my folds, there was a rush of air and a hiss from Eros. I blinked, my eyes registering Sterling beside Eros with his grip around Eros’ wrist, holding it in the air between them. The somber piano melody that poured from the record player warped the tension in the air in a strange but sultry manner.