My dreams were filled with the gentle brush of hands over my nakedness. The voices of my guys penetrated the darkness, whispering to me their deepest desires, thoughts, and hopes for the future. This had to be a lucid dream by the way I felt myself smile against the cool silk of my pillow.
Vincent’s likeness was the first to form through the murk of my mind, his jawline covered in black veins that overtook the rest of his feathered body. Wings with a span longer than the height of two men folded around me. They swept me flush against his monstrous male physique, and for a second, my mind sputtered as I felt every inch of his hewn muscle against my smooth curves.
Since when were dreams so lifelike?
“Princess,” my dark knight purred in his bone-scraping baritone. His index finger made an erotic descent down the edge of my jaw, and the immense magical power seeped from his body into mine, potent and full of electricity.
“Where are you? Is this real?”
“It’s real.”
For the third time that night, tears gathered in my eyes. “How is that possible?”
“Dream walking is an ability dark fae with the raven familiar possess.”
I looked at his raven tattoos, how they were almost fluttering along with his jet-black feathers as if they’d get swept up in the breeze at any moment. It made me realize that I not only had much to learn about myself and what I was, but all the nuances, customs, and abilities of Vin’s true nature.
“Where are you?” I asked, my voice rail-thin and shaking. Things were different with Vin and me than they were with Corry. I hated showing Vincent any sign of vulnerability. With him, I needed to exude strength. Between us, there was no room for weakness.
Not yet.
“I’m leaving this world to retrieve something for you,” he answered with a cool steel cadence.
I blinked rapidly as I tried to process what he’d just told me. By the way he spoke, one might think he was running to the bank or the corner store for something. Not another freaking world.
“What in the fuck does that mean? What are you retrieving?” Dagon’s heart maybe, but that was in Boston, and while I wasn’t a master of geography, I knew it wasn’t far enough away to call it otherworldly.
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a birthday surprise, would it?”
“Are you serious? You can’t just run off without saying anything, Feral. Tell me where you’re going. What are you getting?”
Vincent’s wings rustled and stretched out at his sides, causing the air to whoosh in my ears. “I have to go. You’ll have your answers soon enough. When I get back, I’m making you mine.”
A heady combination of panic and lust sent my belly fluttering and my fists clenched in rage. “At least tell me when you’ll be back!” I was screaming by now. My hair lashed around my shoulders, and my fangs and claws descended. The glow of my red eyes glared back at me through his own hell-dark orbs.
“Oh, little monster.” He moved a wing, so the tip grazed my tear-stained cheek, brushing the drops away. Perhaps it would have been a sweeter gesture if he wasn’t the cause of my tears. “You’re always the most beautiful when you’re angry. When you’re angry, your insecurities drop, and nothing stands in the way of my chaos and yours. It’s that fire that burns between us that will bring the vampire realm out of the dark.”
My lips softened, and my hot tears fell on my cold as ice chest as he faded into the shadows of my mind, leaving behind a whirlwind of feathers rich with the scent of his decadent and stormy aroma.
Then, that invisible tether that had been tied the moment I’d placed my mark on his flesh snapped.
Nothing was left but a gaping wound in my soul.
I woke in a cold sweat, gasping. Corry’s sleeping form lay beside me, as still as a corpse. I considered waking him but quickly decided against it. Carefully crawling out of bed so as not to disturb him, I tugged on his black t-shirt, which was long enough to forgo pants.
I cast one last look at Corry before slipping out of the room. With my heart in my throat and a hole in my chest, I padded down the stairs toward the library, where I’d find the coven’s most brilliant mind.
If anyone had answers about Vincent’s whereabouts, and my mother’s to boot, it’d be Sterling.
Chapter thirty-seven
TheKnightMansionwasstill as death, with not a living or deceased soul around to witness their princess tear down the stairs, half-naked, eyes swollen red with tears.