The Salem vamp immediately backed down, a bead of sweat streaking a path down his brow. “Chill, man. I was just playing. Calling any of your brothers isn’t necessary.”
“He’s right, it’s not,” I interjected. “I’m perfectly capable of beating Zeke’s ass myself if I need to.”
“Heh, alright. I like her,” Garrick rumbled. “She’s funny and kick-ass. Nice score, Cross. Plus, now that you’re mated, you’ll smell like her and not motor grease.”
“I liked his scent before,” Vira muttered with a casual shrug.
“That’s because you’re a sex demon,” Zeke snapped, clearly wounded by my brush-off. “You’d like the scent of any male so long as their dick’s big enough.”
Vira’s expression turned sinisterly sweet as she tongued one of her lip rings. “That explains why I’ve never liked your scent, Zeke. Tiny-pricked asshats carry a scent that makes me sick. Survival instincts and all that.”
“Damn. I think I got second-degree burns just by sitting beside you, bro,” Garrick cracked with a huge smile that took up his entire bearded face.
Vira groaned as she palmed the handlebars of her Kawasaki. “This is cute and all, but didn’t we come here to ride? Show her the Ninja, Cross, so we can go before we lose more night.” Her voice dropped as she made grumbling cracks about making friends with people who could walk in the daylight beneath her breath.
I perked up at the mention of the Ninja. Vira couldn’t be referring to the bike Corry had gifted me? That had been left behind at the factory when Sharpe had captured me.
Corry strode over to something that was covered by a sheet toward the end of the garage and took a fistful of the fabric. Before he ripped it away to reveal the surprise, he glanced at me, his physiognomy practically glowing with excitement. “Ready, Red?”
Excitement made me bounce on my toes. “Fuck yeah.”
He ripped away the sheet, and it fluttered to the concrete. A cherry red Ninja motorcycle sat there looking expensive and factory new, even though my gut told me this was the old bike with a fresh paint job.
The paint was a vibrant red on the front, with the back painted in a deep burgundy in the shape of huge blood drops. The pattern reminded me of those retro flame jobs on classic cars, but with blood streaks instead of flames. Lettering that dripped with the same bloody pattern read “RR,” and beneath that was a fang-shaped tiara like the one Sterling had made for me.
“Holy shit, Cor!”
He beamed. “Like it?”
Like it? I loved it so much, I could cry. I probably would have if it wasn’t for the fact that Zeke, Vira, Garrick, and Bella were watching me with unblinking expressions.
“But how…? I had to leave it behind in Boston territory in front of the factory.”
“Since there are no rules about wolves stepping into BC territory, Garrick and some of his buddies went to retrieve it. They have a shop near there. The brakes had been cut, but they were able to replace them and give it the sick paint.”
“Thanks, Garrick,” I murmured, running my hand over the shiny red coating and the dark leather seat padding.
“Don’t thank me, Princess. Thank your mate. I wouldn’t have done it if anyone else had asked. I don’t have anything against vamps, but it’s not like I make a habit of going around doing favors for ’em.”
Bella purred against her wolf, tugging playfully at his beard. “Except for me.”
“Yeah, except for you, Bell Bell.”
Zeke and Vira groaned their disgust at Bella and Garrick’s PDA, but I was too absorbed in Corry’s dimpled smile to pay attention.
“You didn’t have to do all this for me. You shouldn’t have.”
The vampire prince met my objections with the warmest of smiles. “The phone and the hair were nothing, babe. But I knew getting your Ninja back with a new look as badass as our queen would make you happy. So I’m happy.”
I threw my arms around him and pulled him into a kiss that would rival the obscenity of Bella and Garrick’s.
“Can we ride now?” Vira grumbled as she kicked up the stand of her bike in my periphery.
Corry kissed my nose and tossed the gang a shit-eating grin. “Yeah. Let’s ride.”
After a long drive around Coven territory, we said our goodbyes to the others and made our way back to my room, the oncoming sunrise making our limbs heavy as we trudged up the stairs. When we shuttered the windows, we stripped and collapsed onto my bed. I half expected Corry to pass out the moment his head hit the pillow. It was difficult for vampires to stay awake during daylight, even when barricaded away in a dark room.
Instead, he rolled on top of me, nudged my legs open with his knee, and slipped inside me. The sex was slow, beautiful, and the perfect end to the day. After we both spent ourselves, I curled into his arm and set up the new smartphone he’d gifted me. He showed me the beauty of YouTube, and we watched Ava Max’s“Kings & Queens”music video on loop until unconsciousness took me.