All eyes fixed on him, even the couple eating each other’s faces veering their attention on the prince.
“This is Ruby Renada Baxter. Daughter and blood heir to Thomas Knight, Princess of the Vampires.” The prince’s serious expression spread into that dimpled, lopsided smile when his gaze locked with mine. “And she belongs to me and my brothers. So, if anyone touches her, they’re dead.”
Corry leaped off the G wagon, landed beside me, and threw his arm around my shoulder. “Right. Intros. You know Zeke. Most tolerable asshole in the SC.”
The woman on the bike gave a bitter laugh. “That bar isn’t high.”
“And this is Isabella,” Corry said with a smirk, turning to the brunette. “We just call her Bella.”
Isabella. That name was familiar. Yes, that was the name of the witch from Corry’s story. The vampire who’d gotten kicked out of the SC for mating a werewolf.
“You’re Isadora’s sister?”
Bella regarded me with cool interest, looking me up and down. Her mouth slowly curved into a smile. “That’s me. How are Isa and Tau doing? Haven’t heard from them in a while.”
“Fine, I think. I’ve only met them once so far. Your sister is...chipper.”
“Yeah, sounds like Isa.” Bella grinned softly, turning her attention back to her meat-cake of a werewolf. I half expected her mate to introduce himself next, but the pair went right back to making out.
Corry snickered. “And her mate is called Garrick.”
“Come on.” Vira rolled her eyes from where she lounged on what I surmised was her bike, a black Kawasaki decorated with a three-head cat decal surrounded in flames. “You two have been mated for what, four hundred years? Can’t peel yourselves off one another to greet the vampire princess?”
“She’s not gonna be my queen,” Garrick grunted with a shrug without fully removing his lips from Bella’s. “No ’fense, Princess.”
“None taken.” I shrugged.
“She’s cute,” Bella murmured. “But she’s supposed to rule the vampires? With that heartbeat and that scent? Sure she ain’t too soft?”
I snarled a warning, and Corry laughed. “Don’t let her heartbeat fool you, Bell. She’s dangerous and a little unpredictable, so watch your mouth.” Corry slid me a sidelong grin, winking. “Otherwise, she’ll destroy you and look hot as fuck doing it.”
Bella held her tongue by deciding to push it back into Garrick’s mouth.
Zeke thrust to his feet, a wrench in his hand as he strode toward me with an appraising look that made me uneasy.
I tensed, my eyes narrowing as the male came near.
“I think her scent will help her,” he murmured, suggestively licking the corner of his mouth with a pierced tongue. “What male is going to oppose her smelling like that? We’ll all be on our knees before the queen, begging for a taste. When that happens I plan on being one of the first in line.”
Chapter thirty-six
Dream Walking
MymindblanchedasI gaped at the male before me. He stared at me with an unnerving devotion that was completely unguarded.
When I’d first met him at The Warehouse, Zeke had made his position clear as far as where his loyalty stood. He claimed he’d stand behind me, regardless if the rumors about Dagon were true or not. At the time, I was confused as to why he’d offered his loyalty so freely. Seeing the way he regarded me, that mystery was solved.
I guess an empty throne and an empty, fertile womb were appealing notions, even knowing that I had four dangerous and possessive mates standing in his way.
Had to hand it to Zeke; he had some serious balls.
I opened my mouth to respond, but Corry beat me to it.
“Shut the fuck up, dude. You’re lucky I like you too much to kill you for hitting on my girl, but Eros won’t have the same dilemma if he catches you even looking in her direction.”
The Salem vampire’s shoulders quaked with a quiet scoff, and he tapped the wrench to his temple. “Maybe the infamous Deathwish is getting soft in the head if he decided to share her with you.”
“Maybe we should call him out here and test that theory,” Corry chided, matching Zeke’s manic grin with one of his own.