Chills of excitement washed through me. “Then let me claim you.”

“Let you?” The young prince assumed his full height. Even though he was wearing a serious expression, he couldn’t mask the laugh in his voice. “And here I was, about to beg you.”

Blistering warmth exploded in my belly when Corry wedged his knee between my legs. Snaking my arms around his neck, I rode his thigh, my juices coating the smooth skin. He held me by the waist, his erection jabbing into my hip as I moved my body over his in a sensual, seductive dance.

“Ruby Red, you may be half monster, but you fuck like an angel.”

My cheeks blazed, the compliment catching me off guard. “How do you know? You ever bed one, Cor?”

“Naw. Did a succubus once though.”

He caught the fire in my glare because he hastily added, “It wasn’t Lexi.”

My hackles relaxed. “What was that like?”

His fingers drew gentle circle patterns on my back as his gaze grew a little distant. “Empty. Meaningless. So the way I figure it, shagging an angel has to be the opposite, right?”

“Wow, Cor. I think that was almost as romantic as it was weird.” I laughed.

Bearing my shoulders down on the cool marble of the shower, I arched my spine and swayed my hips faster over his thigh. My arousal made the ride slick and surprisingly satisfying, considering the lack of cock involved.

“Are you close to cumming again?” he crooned, the sanguine pools of his eyes darkening with the same sinister edge that shadowed his question.


On the next beat, I made an embarrassing noise, almost a squeal, as he plucked me from the ground and stabbed my core with his erection, running me through.

But he didn’t move. There was zero friction. Sweat trickled down my back. My arms trembled around his neck. “What is it?”

Corry’s face crunched with irritation. “Fuck. I got distracted. I completely forgot.”

“F–forgot what?” My brain was splintering apart in solidarity with my very full sex. It was hard to focus on a conversation with a fucking tree-trunk-sized dick lodged inside me.

“I told...” He paused and shook his head. “Screw it. They can wait.”

I blinked. “Who can wait?”

“Some friends that are meeting us in the garage.”


“Yeah. Some local sups I ride with, talk bikes, stuff like that.”

“So like...a motorcycle gang?”

The vampire snorted a laugh that shone in his eyes. “If you want to call it that, I won’t argue. But it’s not really as cool as it sounds.”

I reined back a grin. “Corry Cross is in a motorcycle gang.”

“It’s not like on TV, Red. We don’t have matching jackets or get caught up in turf wars. All we do is work on our rides together. The most dangerous shit we used to do was street race in Boston territory. But now that Master is dead, the council doesn’t care if I hang with some of the local wolves on our own territory. These days we just race through the cape on the back streets.”

Damn. On the one hand, meeting Corry’s biker friends sounded awesome. On the other hand, I was literally occupied with something else at the moment that I needed to take care of.

I shivered around him. “Will they mind if we leave them waiting?

He cackled. “Who gives a fuck? I’m mating with the most beautiful, kick-ass female I’ve ever met. If you want to make them wait forever by holing ourselves up in your room for the next few weeks, I’m game, babe.”

Our mouths crashed together, our tongues winding, breath colliding. Corry carried me from the warmth of the shower into the center of the bathroom. My skin prickled at the chilly sea breeze flowing through the window.