Of course, there were all the lustful, kinky fantasies I had of Deathwish and his den. I never thought of myself as much of a sub before, but with him...Hello,daddy. Slap a collar on me and call me a good girl because I’d let him play with me in any manner he desired. We already knew how kinky I could be, and it’d be mostly Eros who’d show me the many facets and flavors of that world.
A more simple desire of mine, but the one I thought about most often, was Sterling overcoming his demons enough to claim me as his mate. The reason he’d given me before was that he felt it was the king’s right alone to mark me. What would he say when I told him I refused to take a king for myself? Something told me that Sterling’s reluctance to claim me had more to do with overcoming his demons than anything else.
Then there was the fantasy that had barely left me alone since my time spent in the BC’s basement prison with Eros and Vin. I wanted to take two, three, maybe even all four of my mates at once, if we could work out the positioning.
Knowing that Corry was into the whole sharing thing, this was the particular fantasy I shared with him.
“I want to take two of you at once. To start.”
He nipped the shell of my ear as his side-long gaze dropped from where we clutched my breast to the place my other hand held my core. “Who?”
Any of them. All of them. But there were two particular combinations that made my breath grow short. Eros and Vin, obviously. Those two would dominate me, and I would eat up every depraved second of it. Then there was the other combo that left me the most curious. The baby vampire slash ex-college guy and the ancient immortal priest. “You and Sterling.”
Corry blinked, and for a few silent seconds, he chewed his lower lip in thought. “To be honest, I can’t really picture that.”
I chuckled. “I can.”
Another nip to my ear, this time with more teeth. I quivered in pleasure, and he laughed softly, his index finger tapping away at my breast to mimic the increased rate of my heartbeat. “Mmm. Tell me, then. Paint the picture.”
“The three of us are in the council chamber. I’ve just told you something very important.”
“It doesn’t matter. Anything,” I lied. Now wasn’t the time to tell Corry about my plans to defy the Elders. But I didn’t mind sharing my fantasy of the whole thing going well after the fact. “You support my decision, and you swear your loyalty to me. To prove that loyalty, Sterling invites me into his lap while he’s sitting on his Elder throne and he spreads my legs for me as you get on your knees to tongue me.”
“I think we can persuade Sterling to act out this fantasy. But for tonight, I want you all to myself, babe.”
Curling an arm around my middle, he pulled us both to our feet so fast my head spun in the smothering heat of the shower. My mouth went dry as I watched him bend to pick up the showerhead, his ass bumping against my hip, and when he straightened to snap the fixture in its mount, the defined muscles in his back flexed under the torrent of water as if taunting me.
Fucking hell. He was more tempting, sleek, and powerful than any bike he owned. I was sure of it. Even the Ninja he’d given me. Who needed three hundred horsepower—whatever that meant—when I could take Corry Cross for a ride?
He was on me so fast, I hadn’t even seen him move. There was a blur, and all the wind was knocked from me when my back met the shower door, a wet and naked male forcing me against the glass in a tangle of ravenous mouths and limbs. I was so hungry, starving for him in every single manner I could.
So I bit his tongue as it delved into my mouth, suckling on the appendage. His flavor was potent, clean, and overwhelming in its drug-like effect over me.
The vampire reeled back to seize my gaze, staring with a look of beastly awe as inky blood oozed past his lips and down his chin. My heart clenched. He suddenly looked terrified, but he didn’t let go of me. He wedged a thigh between the juncture of my legs, trapping me against him.
“What is it? Why are you stopping?” I bore down on his thigh, rubbing my weeping sex over his leg. His jaw flexed, and a vein twitched in his throat.
“Ruby. Do you feel this between us?”
“Yes, I feel it,” I whispered, a chill sweeping over my skin even though the water was hot and and the male controlling it, scorching. “And I’m sick of doing nothing about it. Claim me, Youngblood.”
“How are you so okay with me biting you? I know you’re stronger than me, so if I ever really lose control, you can protect yourself. Still, you should be more cautious.”
I blinked rapidly, lost in this sudden hesitance on his part. “Um, where’s this coming from, Cor? After what went down at the BC HQ, I’m pretty sure I can manage this.”
“I know you can. But you seem to be…eager to take a youngblood for a mate. Vampires know not to get involved with anyone younger than five years turned because we’re dangerous. I’ve killed people, Ruby. Innocent people. That should bother you.”
My gaze hardened as I studied Corry, having to crane my neck to look at him. He was so handsome in the red light of the bathroom, his brown hair plastered over his brow as the water trickled down over us.
“It doesn’t bother me. Not even a little. Your bloodlust doesn’t scare me. And neither does your past. You aren’t your instincts, Cor, especially when you were first turned. Earlier, you said I should be afraid of the others. Of Eros’ sadism, Vin’s shifter abilities, and Sterling’s demons. How many times do I have to tell you? None of that shit scares me. And do you know why?” I cocked my head, a languid grin spreading my lips.
“It turns me on. Pain turns me on, Cor. And that shouldn’t scare you. Because I am so resilient, it’s almost scary. All five of us have suffered because of my father for different reasons. That agony, the wounds that have been inflicted, just bind us closer. And it will keep us close, even if Dagon resurrects our father. Do you want to know something else? It’s not just the pain of your bloodlust that turns me on. There’s something else about you that scares me far more. And that also excites me,” I admitted with a small shrug.
His eyes widened to saucers. “What? How do I scare you? I’m the weakest of all my brothers.”