Screw traditional foreplay. Maybe I’d just have the guys play with my hair from now on to get me all worked up.

“You ever have anyone brush or wash your hair before? Like your mom?” Corry asked softly, as if a fragment of my thoughts had somehow transferred through our connection.

My eyes opened, and I found his face inches from mine. My throat closed up as my attention wandered to his sinewy build and how addictive the sight of him was, kneeling in front of me, sporting a thick erection while attending to my needs instead of his.

I inhaled deeply, thrusting my attention momentarily from his dick to the far less pleasant memory of my life before the coven. “The woman who raised me never entered my room, Cor. Not for as far back as I can truly remember, anyway. She was terrified of me. The only physical touch I’d received from anyone was Dr. Sharpe during my medical examinations.”

Corry’s eyes widened, and his fingers froze momentarily in my locks. “You mean the only time you had human contact was when Sharpe came to visit?”

“Yeah,” I said with a dry and bitter laugh. “And he wasn’t even human.”

“Wow...” He removed his fingers from my hair and brought the cord of the showerhead to his mouth, holding it with his teeth as he took the bottle of shampoo from the shower caddy. With a suggestive sound on the bottle’s part, he squirted the liquid into my hair and worked it into a lather.

I could tell from his tightly pinched face that Corry was bothered by what I’d just told him. For several minutes, we said nothing. The atmosphere wasn’t awkward or anything, though. Things were never awkward between Corry and me. Being naked in the shower with him, steam rising and winding around us, making the glass foggy and our bodies sweaty from the heat, was cathartic. The way his fingers stroked my skin somehow seemed to alleviate all the built-up tension in my body. With his touch, my muscles unwound, and far more than blood and dirt were washed away with his care.

Taking the showerhead from his mouth, he rinsed away the suds and swapped out the bottle of shampoo for the color conditioner. He set the bottle back and positioned the showerhead over my scalp to rinse my hair while dropping his hand to my center. He was cupping me.

“What are you doing?” I asked, my voice tremulous with desire. My eyes dropped to where he held me. Before the question had completely left my mouth, I realized he was protecting my pubic hair from the red coloring.

“We want to keep this part of you blonde,” the vampire answered with no trace of a smile on his face. His touch was now almost clinical, as if Sterling himself had tasked his youngest brother with the great duty of keeping my pussy hair au naturel. Maybe he had. When I’d mated my silver prince, he’d made a point of expressing how much he loved the light hue of the hair between my legs, even if he couldn’t see it for himself.

My skin erupted in a full body flush as my blood thrummed hot in my veins. The pragmatic way Corry held his hand against my apex to fend off the red dye just made me want him all the more. Fantasies of his contact turning carnal filled my mind with flashes of tangled limbs and twining lips filled with sanguine-stained fangs.

But there was something wrong. It was palpable in the humid air.

“W–what’s the matter?”

“Nothing,” he answered in a clipped tone.

My youngest Knight prince wouldn’t look me in the eye, which was the immediate tip-off that he was full of shit.

“Don’t ruin this now by lying to my face, Cor. What’s wrong? Look me in the eye, damn it.”

The vampire’s shoulders fell. They’d been bunched so tight I hadn’t noticed how stiff he was until he let go. He set the showerhead down at our feet, but he kept his hand pressed against my center. “It’s what you said about never getting touched. No physical contact whatsoever. Except by Sharpe.” When he spoke the late doctor’s name, his cadence went dark, and his expression hardened. “It’s despicable.”

I blinked. “He didn’t touch me sexually.”

Corry pulled back from my juncture to rake his fingers through his hair, faint streaks of the red hair dye seeping into his own trusses.

“I know that. What I mean is you were shown no physical affection at all. A kid needs to be hugged. To have their hair brushed. Hold their parent’s hand.”

“I had those things when I was a baby, and I guess into toddlerhood if I remember anything. It was when the locks went on the door that my mom distanced herself.”

“We should have eased you in. We should have been more gentle with you. Just one of us would be a lot for any woman. But four mates? If we’re ever too much for you to handle, Red—FuckingA.” His words fell away into a masculine hiss of surprise as I coiled my fingers around his cock and gave it one firm stroke.

“Listen to me.” I used the same exact cadence I had back at the Boston Coven when I’d addressed Erik in front of his den members. Each syllable was doused with authority, letting Corry know I wasn’t in the mood to argue. “I can handle you and your brothers just fine, even though I was thrown into the deep end of this twisted vampire circus. And you know who threw me in?Me.”

I grinned gleefully at the thunderous look of shock in my soon-to-be mate’s blood-red gaze. “I’m happy I did it. But I appreciate your concern. It’s cute.” I gave him a playful pat on his cheek with one hand while my other slid languidly down the length of his cock until I hit the base of him, my knuckles grazing his balls. “Now, keep washing me, babe. I’m still filthy.”

The smile returned to Corry’s face, immediately lifting the mood. “You are a handful, Ruby Red. I guess, if anything, it’s the four of us who have to work hard to handle you.” The vampire prince picked up the bottle of body wash and squeezed it so the thick liquid drizzled over my fingers where I still gripped his cock.

He began to move his pelvis back and forth, building up a lather with the stroke of his hips. At the same time, he returned to his task of washing me.

He wasn’t wrong. I was a handful. Back in my prison, my only dream was to escape long enough to have a moment of complete, reckless bliss. I’d been told my entire life that my weak body would never survive the desires of my heart. Now that I knew my true limits, I wanted to push my body to the absolute brink of its abilities. Not just for sex. This mortal body would sit on my father’s throne and rock it better than any full-blooded vampire ever could.

I would wear my throne, my crown, my title, and my men with every bit of ferocity I now knew I possessed.

Corry’s thick cock swelled and grew harder yet in my palm, his breathing growing fragmented as I built up the pace of my movements, his thrusting meeting my rhythm.