I gave a mock sniff. “Hey, cut me some slack. I’m about to fuck my best friend. If Vin or Eros don’t like what I’ve got to offer, they can go fuck each other for all I care. With you, there’s a lot more...” I wrung my hands mindlessly, a flutter of butterflies tickling my stomach. “There are more mushy feelings involved.”

The vampire slunk closer with a step, his attention fixed to mine like something meant to be fused together forever. “Mushy?”

“You know? Sappy.”

“Sappy?” This time he couldn’t bite back his laugh as he took another step closer. He was teasing me.

I peeled my lips apart in a fake sneer. “Do I have to draw you a picture, Youngblood? I get all damn gooey-chested when I’m with you. There, you happy?”

On the next hammering thunk of my heart, he was in front of me, pressing me against the vanity. “It’s almost cute how afraid you are to admit your humanity.”

His arms wrapped around me, and I thought he was going to draw me in for a kiss. Instead, he scooped me up against his chest and carried me to the shower. Nudging the sliding glass door of the enclosure open with his foot, he carried me inside and set me gently into a sitting position on the built-in ledge.

My head went light, and my breathing grew short and labored when a naked Corry gently grasped my knees and nudged them apart. He slowly—almost painfully slow—lowered himself to his knees between my spread legs.

A brief spurt of panic shot through me as I feared he was going to try to tongue fuck me before washing me. And I was way, way too dirty for that. But the young vampire took me by surprise when he simply lifted one hand from my knee to cup my cheek and struck me with the most beguiling smile that was as sexy as it was playful. “You should never feel like you have to hide or be embarrassed by your humanity and your human emotions. Most of us were all human once. It’s special, it’s rare, and it’s a miracle among our kind.”

His other hand left my knee and brushed over the swell of my breast, his fingertips grazing over my heart. His gaze dipped down to take in my breast, as if he could almost see my heart throbbing, full of life. When he met my eyes again, my soul almost melted seeing the new expression he wore.

“Corry.” Tears filled my eyes. “You romantic son of a bitch.” My sad attempt to lighten the mood failed miserably with the strain of emotion evident in my tone.

“Hey, I’m surprised too. Normally that gushy crap ain’t my thing, but you bring out surprises in all of us, babe.” With a wink, he stood to his full height, towering over me. With where I sat, his dick was now pretty much level with my face. Unable to resist temptation, I moved to grip his shaft, but he dodged, moving backward toward the showerhead.

“I need you.” A whine slipped from me, almost like a little kid getting her toy taken away.

“What you need is a hot shower. So, here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to scrub you down myself. I don’t want you doing anything. Just sit there and look gorgeous for me. I’m going to wash every trace of Boston off your skin. I’ll clean and color your hair. And I plan to pay special attention to washing away that mess my brother made between your thighs. Sound good?”

“Sounds good,” I said with a squeak.

“Good girl,” he purred his approval.

Those two words might as well have been two fingers inserted deep in the place inside me that made me fall apart at contact, for all the pleasure they brought me. “You picked that up from your brothers.”

Corry’s lips split with a grin. “Hey, I can take a cue from them every once in a blood moon. Especially when those two words make you smell so goddamn good.”

His chest rumbled with a chuckle as he took the showerhead and removed it from its mount. Oh shit, it was one of those sleek, detachable ones. “When you’re praised, your pussy gets all wet, and your womb practically begs to be filled. Did you know that?”

I shook my head, eyes bulging as my attention was now all on the showerhead that I knew had to have water pressure that could probably get me as close to seeing the face of God as a heathen like me would ever get. “I didn’t...”

“Oh yeah. For such a headstrong brat of a princess, you sure love it when you’re praised. Which is hot as fuck.” He moved back toward my seat, looking down at me with the showerhead in his hand poised like a weapon ready to do some serious damage. “I like the idea of our half-blood queen who takes no shit and rips off the heads of anyone stupid enough to oppose her. But with us, at least with me and Ster, you like feeling safe. You like knowing that you’re as good of a girl for us in our beds as you are a terrifying queen ripping off the heads of our enemies.”

I chewed my lip, a potent coalescence of blood lust and carnal hunger sweeping through me. “Is it weird that in the last few days, I feel like I’ve had better practice at being a vampire royal than being a twenty-something-year-old girl?”

Corry blew out a soft purring growl that curled around my heart like a security blanket. “Not weird at all, babe. Just know with me, you can always be both.”

Chapter twenty-nine

Wide Open

WhenCorryflippedthewater on, every muscle in my body quivered with joy. The hot liquid slipped over my flesh like the soothing caress of a lover.

“Ooooh, God.” My head knocked back against the marble paneling of the shower wall, eyelids fluttering shut as I breathed a pleasure-laced sigh.

Corry’s rasp of a chuckle rushed over my tits, making my nipples pucker despite the hot water. “Don’t make this too easy for me, babe. I haven’t even touched you yet, and you already sound close to cumming.”

“Sorry, it just feels so damn good.” Another more enthusiastic noise rushed out of me when Corry’s fingers found my hair and began massaging my scalp with one hand and holding the showerhead in the other.

My mouth parted as I leaned into the cradle of his hand. Why did this feel so good? He wasn’t touching any erogenous zones. All he was doing was working the dried blood from my tangled tresses. I’d never had anyone play with my hair before, and the combination of his strong fingertips working my scalp in soothing circles and stroking my locks free of their knots was heavenly.